"Did it ever cross your tiny little mind that I actually don't want to talk to you?" The blonde snapped, tired of trying to be reasonable. Or even friendly. Friendly had flown right out of the window too. "Don't be stupid, it doesn't suit you. Let's just go out for a meal like civilised people and sort this mess out." "I don't want to sort anything out. I'm done. Hell, I'm so done I'm halfway to friggin' Australia right now." Joel quirked a brow, "You really did get outta' bed the wrong side huh?" He slipped his hands into his pockets, "And I know your schedule backwards. You aren't busy, so don't try and feed me that shit." "You aren't even listening." Harper was exasperated, and she knew that this wasn't getting anyone anywhere - so she turned to walk away. Confrontation wasn't something she liked, nor did she see it as productive. "Hey! You can't just saunter off!" He reached out and grabbed her wrist, a little harshly, one might add. [b]"I'll pick you up at six.."[/b] [b]"I'm busy, now take your hand off of my wrist before I write you up.."[/b] "You wouldn't write me up. And busy doing what, [b]exactly?[/b] "