[h3][center][color=004b80][i]Eltariel[/i][/color] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/f5ff6e170f5383879238c38df0d82109/tumblr_orhzwrb46z1tt3wuco2_500.gifv[/img][/center][/h3] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Lj9LL8O.jpg[/img][/center] Eltariel once again reached out to Galadriel in her mind, but recieved no answer. This was bad. Really bad. Why had she been dragged here? She didn't need this- ontop of everything else. This pointless distractions. Even in the neverending stalemate of her battle against the forces of Mordor, she at least could remind herself what she was doing had a purpose. Every Uruk Hai put in the dirt was one less that would not encroach on the walls of Minas Tirith. But now? Directionless? Not an Uruk in sight, nor the presence of Galadriel? Her heart rate fluttered and she leaned against one of the spires ontop of the roof of the Silver Tower for support. She ran her hand over her face, breathing in deeply. Concentrate- just get 100 tokens. Find whoever it is you need to find, Eltariel, and take what you need from them. Time is of the essence. Eltariel focused up and channeled her spirit energy into her eyes. The world turned a dark shade of blue, and any living souls in the area that weren't disguisng their presence became known to her. They glowed like beacons in the night, and Eltariel spotted some not that far away. Their forms were hard to make out, but they seemed to be humanoid in nature. There was around nine of them to the North, one farther away from the others. Potentially, these people would have the tokens that she sought. They were her targets now, but further observation was required. Given the way that they were positioned, it seemed the group of six were co-ordinated with each other. One stood farther away, not doing much, and the couple...vanished from her view. They had hidden themselves, remaining stealthy, and thus vanishing from her elven sight. Frowning, she began to scan the surrounding area for closer targets, hopefully in fewer numbers.