Han only shrugged and brought up the tracking system. He punched in the coordinates for Alderaan, but the sensor came up blank. "Huh." he said to himself as he ran it again. And again. And again.... "It's not showing up." he said, leaning back in his seat. "It's like it's been completely blown away." From behind Kijani, Adam came up, still a little unsteady from his vision. "How is that even possible?" the young Jedi said. "How can it come back negative on all of our systems?" Han could only shake his head. "You're guess is as good as mine, kid. We're coming up on Alderaan right now." the smuggler said when his console began to beep. The pilots brought the Falcon out of hyperspace, and a field of rocks and asteroids were hurtling through space before them. Han cursed and pulled up, avoiding a rather large rock. "What the hell?" the smuggler said, looking over the destruction. Adam sighed and muttered under his breath. "It's worse than I imagined..."