“Right, sorry, I remember. I was just…distracted. It would be a lie for me to say that thoughts of tomorrow are not affecting me.” Meesei answered Lunise. At first, she stood with an unusual amount of formality considering that they were in private, but after a few moments in silence, she started to look at Lunise noticeably differently and quickly dropped the formal demeanor. She approached and pulled Lunise into her embrace, but again, it was just a few more seconds before another thought seemed to tug her focus in another direction. “Oh…” Meesei quickly uttered, then rushed over to her enchanting table. She took a small metal stand that appeared to contain a welkynd stone, then placed it on a wooden nightstand next to the tent’s entrance. She activated an enchantment which used the welkynd stone to power a near-invisible barrier over the entrance to her tent. Warding magic of this sort was hardly uncommon among magical organizations, though Meesei was using it rather casually for the amount of effort it tended to take. In any case, it would help to guarantee their privacy. [hr] Mercifully for Janius, Kaleeth did not squeeze him forever, but she did continue to hold him tightly enough that it would not be so easy to simply slide out of her grasp. She rolled over onto her side, pressing his head up against her chest and wrapping her arms, legs, and even tail around him almost protectively. The werecrocodile was an overwhelming, overpowering presence that surrounded Janius, but it all came with a gentle, caring influence from Kaleeth herself. “I wish I could just hold on to you and never let go. Then, no one could hurt you. Just stay behind me tomorrow; I will gladly take every spear or arrow meant for you.”