She turned lazily from the shelf as the proprietor of the store approached her. She smiled though that would be hard to see through her lace veil. "Do you know what sort of books would interest a woman such as myself?" She inquired, knowing full well the poor man would likely not know the answer. The intoxicating psychic scent which had drawn her here filled the room and made her feel dizzy. Silly. Drunk. The interaction was cut short when Jandar appeared. She watched him approach, something like guilt cutting through the giddiness that fizzed like champagne through her veins. She frowned and tilted her chin up toward Jandar. "Cousin," she responded and pulled her arms around herself. Her initial reaction was to reprimand Jandar but she caught herself. "He was only trying to be helpful. Poor soul," she spoke in the lazy drawl that she'd heard other Queens use to relay their boredom. The walls had ears. There was definitely someone else here. Her eyes strayed around the shop but could see nothing. Yet.