The group seemed to have no issues with this new direction. "Let's just be careful. Last thing we want to do is tip them off that we're onto them. Maybe we can spy on them and report to Shor once he's done with his sewer business." Shortfang seemed extra excited. "Yes! We hunt! Shortfang good for hunting!" Buddy once more had no real comment, simply waiting for your directions. Yorik seemed rather satisfied at this decision as well. "Well aight den. Like yer mate said, don't let em know yer tailin em. But if things do get messy, they ain't armored up, so it ought ta be easy ta fight em. But don't underestimate em. Lightning Twats might sell out dere badges ta thugs and criminals ta make work easier, but dey are legit fighters demselves. In any case, hurry on now while da trail still hot. Chances are once they reach da stables they're gunna mount up, and den it'll be hard work chasin em."