[center][h2] Becca Twilight [/h2][/center] "Somebody should go find her. You said she recognized the armor before. Perhaps she knows what kind of Sith spells are on it." [center][h2] Jakito Twilight [/h2][/center] "I'll go look for her." I say with a yawn. I was about ready to crash for the night, but duty (and Becca) forced me to stay awake a while longer. I rise from my chair and head out into the hall. [center][h2] Xanthippe Naberrie [/h2][/center] "So," I begin quietly. "Sucal got away... again. And Hayden's gone... again. Is there anything positive that came out of this fight?" [center][h2] Becca Twilight [/h2][/center] "Of course." I say without looking up. "Sucal is officially out of office. I can already feel his influence over the Republic starting to weaken. People are returning to their senses at last. Once the..." I stop myself, then say a little quieter. "Once the Mandalorians have left, the Senate can hold an election and instate a new Chancellor. One, hopefully, less currupt then the last one." I finally look up at Xan. "I assume you'll be throwing your hat in?" [center][h2] Xanthippe Naberrie [/h2][/center] I turn away from Becca's gaze. "I might."