[center][h2] Xanthippe Naberrie [/h2][/center] I glare at Jerus. "So what if I do? Are you going to try and talk me out of it? I know you all think I'm undeserving, but considering who our last Chancellor was, I'm a saint." I look like I want to say more, but I hold back, taking a deep breath. "Look, I don't want to do this again. I know we aren't ever going to be on the same page, but just... don't jump down my throat just yet. I don't even know if I'm still a Senator. For all I know, Queen Myrcella might have fired me when it got out that I was helping you guys. Then there's a bunch of public relations poodoo I have to deal with..." I wave Jerus off. "Just save it for election season. If you really don't like me that much, don't vote for me. That's democracy." With that, I stick my nose up and take my exit. [center][h2] Becca Twiligt [/h2][/center] I rub my temples. "Just when I thought we were all starting to get along too."