[hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181112/67dc660c02507d0cef8828da24d9010c.png[/img] [img]https://uploads.spiritfanfiction.com/usuarios/jornal/fichas--returns-8317853-090320172102.gif[/img] [I][@Morose][@KazAlkemi][@BlueSky44][@FantasyChic][@Natsu][@Trainerblue192][@Kirah] Time: 10:00AM[/I][/center] [hr][hr] [u][b][i][color=Goldenrod]Camp Half-Blood, Aphrodite Cabin & The Arena:[/color][/i][/b][/u] "Losing someone is never really easy." Alannah said softly as she looked over seeing Demetri coming into the room, and gave him a slight smile and nod towards him. "Camp Jupiter is over on the other side of the country, so it'll take awhile to get there." Alannah said to the two of them. As she turned around and then started to leave the Aphrodite Cabin, and went to get things packed up for the evening, she decided that she would join them as well, having been to Camp Jupiter twice in the past. There was another horn now that announced that the funeral was ready to get started, and everyone started to get ready and head over to the service now as well. Everyone started to gather up at the arena now, and everyone was seated, Chiron started to give a somber speech about what had happened. And that she was now in a much better place, in the center of the arena was where they had all of her things there, and her body wrapped in the burial shroud for Ash' body. Chiron then picked up a torch and started to light the stack of wood on fire, while everyone remained quiet the entire time. Kiera sat in the front row, with Kristin who she started to try and comfort after finally breaking down seeing her friend dying [u][b][i][color=Goldenrod]Camp Half-Blood, The Next Day:[/color][/i][/b][/u] During the night Kristin, Janelle and Ezkiel would all see each other in the same dream, they would be able to see that they were in what looked like a space museum of some kind. There would be several people overlooking one of the exhibits there and it looked like it was night time as well, but one person would stand out to them. There was what looked to be an overly obese woman, carrying a purse and what looked like a chihuahua poking it's head out of the purse. "Yes, we are getting ready soon." The woman said, as the group of people shifted slightly and started to appear like monsters of various kinds. "My children are ready as well for them to and will make sure that they don't make it to Jupiter as well." The chihuahua would then turn to look at the three of them, before jumping out of the bag and shifting into a [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/olympians/images/c/cc/Chimera_2.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20171101013932]Chimera[/url], growling at the three of them, as the woman turned around and faced them. "It looks like someone is sticking their nose in where it doesn't belong." The Chimera went to tackle the three of them, before the dream suddenly ended. The morning was still pretty somber from the night before, but everyone seemed to be going on about their business as usual, Lauryn was tending to one of the chariots groaning a little bit, while Alannah was there as well looking down at her fellow counselor. "What happened?" She asked looking over at her friend as Lauryn got out from under it and shrugged slightly. "It still needs to be fixed up a bit more, but we don't really have enough chairots either for everyone to." Lauryn said, as Alannah sighed a little bit and nodded. "We will just go the old fashion way then." Alannah said while she waited for everyone else. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=yellow]Kristin Reynolds[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/NP5pywzS451g4/giphy.gif[/img] [i]Location: Camp Half-Blood, Athena Cabin -> Divine Cabins[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Kristin quickly shot out from her bed and rubbed her eyes a little bit and groaned, the dream was still really unnerving for her to see, as she remembered pretty much what had happened. And the dream did sound really ominous for those who were going to Camp Jupiter as well, Kristin went to get changed into some regular clothes opting to not wear the camp shirt. She had a feeling where they might be going to find Echidna as well. Grabbing her backpack, the training with Janelle went pretty well as well but they would have to work quiet a bit still as well. Kristin made her way out seeing Alannah and Lauryn tending to one of the chariots that they used to get the newbies out of their school and overheard their conversation which sounded like they would have to take awhile to get there the old way. [color=yellow]"How are you guys?"[/color] Kristin asked as the two of them shrugged a little bit while Kristin adjusted her backpack slightly as she waited for the others it was a pretty big group that was leaving. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=DeepSkyBlue]Kiera Donovan[/color][/h1] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/232370040/original.gif[/img] [i]Location: Camp Half-Blood, Poseidon Cabin[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Kiera woke up in her cabin alone, after breaking down the night before she didn't really know how to react to Ash's death the day before when it initially happened. She slowly got out of her bed looking around the cabin did feel a little bit calming and felt like she was at the beach. She had packed up her things, the night before and made her way to get changed as well as her backpack and left her cabin, seeing everyone was out and about already. Kiera made her way towards Kristin seeing Alannah there as well as Lauryn, she wasn't sure how long it would take to get across the country without those chariots. [color=DeepSkyBlue]"Good morning you guys."[/color] Kiera said softly as she stretched out slightly looking at the three of them which they gave her a friendly smile and wave towards her. "Morning." Alannah said.