[h1][color=9e0b0f] Cade Lin - Project Ravager [/color][/h1] [hr] [@LuckyBlackCat] [@PsyBlade] [@Yankee] [color=9e0b0f]“N-no really, it’s my fault. You obviously wouldn’t want your snakes to be uhm, left out in the cold.”[/color] he replied. Seeing her expression, he tried to cheer her up, already feeling guilty that he got his foot stepped on in the first place. [color=9e0b0f]“Hey uhh, how about we just leave this be, stepping on someone’s foot isn’t like a mortal sin or anything. I’m Ca-”[/color] He stopped mid-sentence as he heard a light, almost creepy giggle come from behind them. It was one of the other Zasshu, a girl covered in white fur with moth wings on her back. She landed on the tip of the ramp with a graceful twirl, staying untouched by the rain. His ears perked up as she introduced herself. He recognized her name as a Chinese one. Maybe they could talk sometime, if he could muster enough confidence to approach her, that is. As she spoke, he noticed that her confidence and her radiant grin helped lighten up the mood, even the girl with snake hair had a small smile on her face. Akane then addressed the group of Zasshu and beckoned them to follow her in. The part about the hot meals specifically sounded very appealing to him.