A second body was unwanted for a laundry list of reasons, but at the moment the most annoying ones were selfish. After everything that had happened last night Devin was thinking of calling in sick and staying in bed all day to continue. After two years their bodies hadn’t missed a beat or rhythm. Like riding a bicycle didn’t even begin to describe. His mind started to wander in the shower when Harper opened the curtain. She mentioned the issues with the clothes and he was about to say this is why she should always have a few outfits at the office, but he realized arriving in last nights dress in any shape isn't possible. Still if she was going to have to go back home then she was going to be late all the same. He reached out and pulled her into the shower. Several wet minutes later they both left the bathroom steamer than the shower. Finding his underwear and throwing it on along with a suit he shuffled around for a tie and couldn’t find one he liked. “Captain worked overnight so he won't be there..” He seemed to convince himself as he closed the closet san tie and just left his top button on his shirt loose. “Am I dropping you off at your place or are you going to lyft? We still have the precinct car. Which he hadn’t checked back in due to making more sense to just park it in his buildings underground garage. In his living room he saw the history of their exploited last night. HIs shirt was thrown on the couch while both their shoes were close to the door. Harpers, or rather the one she borrowed, dress was next to the bedroom door and her bra was on the bed. Sadly he couldn’t see her underwear anywhere. “Did it even make it home?” he wondered after he remembered the part of the night that took place in the hallway of the hotel.