[center][h3]Unknown Foe x 4 | Init: 19[/h3] [color=f7941d]Human Foe A[/color] | [color=2e8b57]Healthy[/color] [color=f7941d]Half-Elf Foe[/color] | [color=2e8b57]Healthy[/color] [color=f7941d]Human Foe B[/color] | [color=2e8b57]Healthy[/color] [color=f7941d]Halfling Foe[/color] | [color=2e8b57]Healthy[/color][/center] When the green-skinned kobold collapsed, the halfling was still for only a split second before ducking down behind a barrel, and the half-elf threw themselves across the market stall, attempting to get behind cover. The archer spun on his heels, his arrow skidding off into the night, unaware of where the attacker was hidden. The human woman, safely out of reach and not having seen the source of the commotion, called out. "What's happening?!" The halfling began to gesticulate wildly for her to get down. She stared at them for a moment, before doing so. [hider=Turn summary]Human Foe A holds his action Half-Elf Foe seeks cover. Human Foe B drops prone, and moves towards the nearest market stall. Halfling Foe ducks behind a barrel.[/hider]