I love writing, it's one of the few things that help me sort out the 20489859459435 thoughts that run through my head every day. I love coming up with characters, places, situations and then connecting everything together like a very large and infinite puzzle. I guess that's what I enjoy most about writing, especially writing with others. The possibilities are endless and it isn't ever predictable. (unless you got a cute anime girl avatar, then I know you're gonna play the shy girl. Don't kill me, I'm an anime nerd too.) Bad humor aside, I will roleplay pretty much anything. I like sci-fi most of all, but if there's action, I'm in. Vampires? Sign me tf up. Military? I'm your girl. Sci-fi/Military? Slide in my PMs. I hope I can bring something fun to the table, looking forward to talking to y'all! (also, how the hell do you use emojis here?)