[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/my3s4nn/Cinder-header.png[/img][/center][hr] [sub][i][color=ed1c24]Disclaimer: I did get permission to use Moskau Spieluhr's character.[/color][/i][/sub] The arrival of a woman and an otter interrupted Cinder's [s]stalking[/s] people watching endeavor. As they entered (a male fire genasi hot on their heels), Cinder waited for all of them to get their bearings in the room, and then she stood up. They all looked about as clueless as she felt, so it was starting to look more and more likely that the letter was legitimate. That brought a smile to Cinder's face. If they pulled this off, it was going to be a massive payday for her. Not to mention, if there were a few "tragic" losses on the way, her payday would be even bigger, so either they all came back alive, or she got more money. It was a win win! Cinder didn't get much of a chance to answer any statement said before others started to pile in the room, namely another human, followed by what looked like a giant skeleton. Was that a [i]goliath?[/i] So they had necromancers, great. There was barely time to process that information before a gold colored kobold dodged it's way between the skeleton's legs, making for the sixth person (does a skeleton count as a person?) in the room. Calling this a group of "creatures" was a very delicate way of putting it, Cinder thought. This looked much more like a band of [i]misfits.[/i] For the sake of the gods, there were [i]two[/i] fire genasi, which stereotypically don't fit in anywhere, a necromancer (dressed rather predictably in mostly black), and evidently a talking otter. To speak nothing of the kobold. The human woman seemed to be relatively normal, so there was that at least. Cinder was beginning to wonder just how much more ridiculous the situation could get when a familiar, timid voice sounded from the door. "H- Hello. I think perhaps, that we might share a new friend. I believe we all here for the same noble goal, yes?" No. No no no no, no. No. If the gods had any mercy in their souls, they wouldn't let it be so. It was just someone who sounded like her, hopefully. Unfortunately for Cinder, when she looked at the new arrival it was discovered to be none other than Valanthe Vanatar- [i]The bane of her existence.[/i] Her fake meekness was enough to make the genasi snort in laughter in spite of herself. Their eyes met, and in a split second Val's face changed from a shy smile to what looked like genuine tears of happiness. She flung herself towards Cinder, who backed away but hit a wall before she could escape. "Cinder! Oh, I'm so glad to see you!" The moon elf woman said, letting out a weary, ragged sob as she buried her face against Cinder's shoulder. The genasi was holding her arms stiffly at her sides, physically cringing at the touch. Shifting to a whisper, Valanthe spoke carefully, "Cinder, I swear to the gods, if you ruin this for me, if you rat me out, I'm going to bury you in your own nightmares." "Don't threaten me with a good time, Val," Cinder replied, her eyes flickering a little as her temper started creeping up. Her hair as well started to smell distinctly of smoke, and try as she might to stop it, it was starting to catch fire. Valanthe pulled away before it all caught flame. This left Cinder to stand there, still in her awkward, cringing position, shooting daggers at Valanthe, who was somehow maintaining her meek, plastic persona. Around the time all of this happened, an old man had crept into the room, pipe in hand as he stood behind a warforged that had evidently entered at some point while Cinder was distracted. Damn. She was losing her edge. He puffed on his pipe for a moment, observing the misfits in the room around him, and then came further in to make his presence known to anyone who hadn't already noticed him. He wore a clean gray pinstriped suit, with a matching vest and gold pocket watch hanging down at his side, and large spectacles that made his gray eyes seem too large for his face. "It seems everyone is here," he said, his voice gruff and a little strained as he sat down on the bed with a huff. "I'm glad to see none of you turned down my offer." "I'm assuming you're 'A.G.' then?" Cinder asked. The old man nodded. "Abraham Garrick, at your service. Now I'm sure you all have some questions, and I'll be happy to answer them, but first let me tell you exactly why it is I brought you here. Yes, I want you to stop the crimes that have been going on; I'm very concerned with what has been going on. But more than that, I have a specific person I'd like you to find..." He paused, looking down to fish in his pocket for some sort of object, and emerged with a picture of an elegant looking woman, perhaps in her late forties or early fifties. "You see, my wife went missing a few weeks ago. I'm sure it's connected to all that's been going on, since the lawmen can't find anything. They've tried, bless 'em, but there's not so much as a footprint for them to follow. My wife isn't the first person to go missing like this, and she's not the last either. There are a bunch of families in this town that are suffering from loved ones bein' taken. I want you all to put a stop to it, and if possible bring back the folks that have gone missing."