[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191204/402d00244aede2589f630d4cd542ea0c.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/kc3BdW0/alexb.png[/img][/center] The exchange between he and Jordan was short-lived, even more so than normal. It seemed a lot of his conversations with anyone these days was brief. Too many interruptions. Life getting in the way. Blah. Blah. Blah. And while the kid seemed to be constantly glued to his phone as though jacked into the Matrix, Alex still liked having Jordan around. The cell vibrated, indicating a text, and he smirked when he saw Alana's message. He knew she would come, well, there was that sliver of doubt, but probably stemming from anxiety than anything else. The one trait he and Lana had in common was neither one of them liked parties. But, to not show up would probably be worse as they wouldn't hear the end of it. His attention turned back to Jordan, but, before he even had a chance to respond, the snarky tone of Ricky Quinn crept up behind him like a cold shadow lurking. Alex swore a tingle would run up his spine every time the dude was in the vicinity. Like, "Spidey-sense", but more annoying. Of course, the moody jock always started just about any conversation with sarcasm, as though that was the only prescribe education he'd been exposed to. Alex simply smirked though, barely even wanting to acknowledge the guys terrible humor. [color=00AEEF]"Sup, Ricky?"[/color] He gave the other a quick nod, which is all he really deserved. But, any retort toward the guy would only cause a vicious circle of remarks back and forth, which would probably never end, or start a riot. Either way, Alex wasn't in the mood, nor did he care to feed the beast. He managed to throw Jordan a peace sign when the kid scooted off, before turning back to Ricky. [color=00AEEF]"So-uh, enjoy the party then."[/color] He said, all but ending the conversation as his attention suddenly looked past Ricky and spotted Lana. He couldn't help but allow a grin to form from ear to ear as she shot him a wink, and looked back at Ricky with that same goofy smile. [color=00AEEF]"Oh, by the way, you mind if I take a quick picture of you? I think Jordan needs one for his collection of suspects."[/color] Okay, so perhaps Alex needed to insert a [i]bit[/i] of sarcasm. Lana was there after all, and that made his heart happy.