[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/rgDAzjL.jpg[/img] [sub][color=fff79a][b]Location;[/b][/color] Cafeteria [color=fff79a][b]Time;[/b][/color] Morning [color=fff79a][b]Mentions;[/b][/color] N/A [color=fff79a][b]Interactions;[/b][/color] Open [/sub] [hr] He could feel [i]it[/i] again...he might not be able to see it but he could feel the ominous presence that it radiated every-time it got near. How long had it been since he'd first seen it? Two weeks, three? Felix had begun to lose count, the only thing he knew for certain was that it was appearing more and more, lately he was even afraid to sleep, he was scared that if he opened his eyes than [i]it[/i] would be waiting for him. He hadn't told anyone about it yet, who in the world would believe him? If someone came to you saying that they were being haunted by a ghost wouldn't you think they had a few loose screws? A sigh slipped past Felix's lips as he leaned back in his seat, he was currently spending his time in the cafeteria. He felt more comfortable there than his dorm room, at least in the cafeteria there were people. But he wasn't a very sociable person so he felt a little lonely, all the friends laughing and joking around made him envious. People always thought he was a thug or something because of his piercings and tattoos, was those things that were supposed to define what a person was like? He didn't know but it sucked, even in a place like this people were all the same. [color=f7976a][i][b]"Hey have you seen Liz? I don't think she ever came back to the dorm last night?" [/b][/i][/color] Felix couldn't help but overhear the conversation going on nearby, it looked like two girls. [color=f7976a][i][b]"No, we were at the library until 7, she said she was going to head right to bed because she had a headache."[/b][/i][/color] The other girl had a worried look on her face, if they were talking who he thought they were than it was Elizabeth Thatcher, she was pretty well known around the campus due to being one of the top students, though she kinda had a bad attitude. [i][b][color=f7976a]"That's weird...I think I'm going to tell a teacher or something, it's not like her to just...disappear. Plus kept talking about how she felt like she was being watched, though she could never find who it was."[/color][/b][/i] That last tidbit caught Felix's interest. Liz thought she was being followed? It made him think about his own paranoia...though was it simply him being paranoid or was someone, [i]something[/i], watching them all? A shiver ran up the boys spine, there was something happening around here and he didn't know if he wanted to know what it was. Rumors had been flying around all over campus about people seeing shadows, hearing voices, lights flickering, mundane stuff. He didn't want to believe it, or rather couldn't, that anything other than paranoia was being passed around. After all this school was placed next to a pretty old town with a pretty creepy forest. As the dark-haired boy sat there thinking that feeling of intense fear settled over him, the hairs on his arm rising. Out of the corner of his eyes he thought he could see a dark shape peering from around a corner, staring at him. He turned his head quickly too look but just like last time nothing was there. [color=f6989d]"I'm totally going insane...I have to be."[/color] He thought, picking at the salmon-colored sweater he was wearing. [/center]