[center][img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/ZgFc8knBcb8KQ/source.gif[/img][img]https://em.wattpad.com/0dc6af3cd94f93f559f9b8ae5823e98639a93c52/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f657a5f467a54634e594a746d4a773d3d2d3438303438333337392e313465643138303964353936616261633438393837323131303031342e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200126/5a6377b09d93200567efadbc40dfdf1e.png[/img][/center] [center][color=gray][i][b]A COLLABORATION WITH [@Bee][/b][/i][/color][/center] [indent][color=gray]Jack Goff. Wide receiver extraordinaire. Even though most didn’t like him, he sure as hell made sure his name was known. He had no time to worry about the opinions of sheep, nor did he have time to worry about censoring himself and making sure he appeased everyone. He quickly learned there was just no satisfying everyone, no matter how much you tippy-toed around everything. After that, he just figured he’d do him. Whoever didn’t like it could go fuck themselves. Jack Goff cared for nobody but himself and his homies. Currently, he was in front of his locker, grabbing a granola bar out of the snack stash he had turned his locker into. Jack was chatting up a random girl who happened to be next to him. [color=53F0FF][b]”...yeah! I’ve got a bunch of offers rolling in. It’s almost time for me to make my decision, and I think y’all will like it.”[/b][/color] Jack smiled, nodding along to the girl who clearly had no idea what she was talking about. Georgie was walking down the hallway, her camera swinging wildly around her neck as she tried to quicken up her pace to get past the certain section of lockers she called the “Danger Zone”. It was chock full of jocks and annoying twats and even though she did like some of the jocks (well, if Sawyer could be counted as one) it still was pretty annoying to get a glimpse of some of them fooling around like they were the kings of the world. Which, she supposed, in high school they pretty much were. However, her eyes couldn’t resist grabbing onto those of Jack Goff nodding along and smiling flirtatiously with a girl who Georgie supposed was new because she looked totally oblivious to what was going on. Georgie scrunched up her nose in disgust and swiftly changed her course so she was walking instead the two instead of away from them. [color=slateblue][b]”Hey,”[/b][/color] She rounded up to the girl, locking a protective arm around her back and pushing her slightly in another direction. [color=slateblue][b]”You really don’t want to be hanging around this dude. He’s kind of...well, an ass.”[/b][/color] Jack Goff was minding his own business, chilling and vibing on his own accord with this girl. He was having a good time, and this girl was pretty cute. Maybe he could’ve turned something out of this - for a few weeks before he’d dump her and find someone else. Things were looking up for Mr. Goff. It wasn’t until a certain [i]someone[/i] came up and ruined the party. As soon as Georgie came up, she totally ruined his vibe! As soon as those words left her mouth, there was a look of disgust on Jack’s face. [color=53F0FF][b]”Hey, what the fuck?”[/b][/color] Jack put his arms out. It was nothing but unnecessary. [color=53F0FF][b]”Don’t listen to her, she’s totally bullshitting.”[/b][/color] [color=slateblue][b]”Oh, really Goff?”[/b][/color] She crossed her arms and smiled almost smugly. Something in Jack Goff always brought out the ugly side in her. [color=slateblue][b]”So...what’s her name again?”[/b][/color] Georgie gave the girl next to her a wide smile as if what she was doing wasn't douchey at all. Who knew, maybe this girl didn’t even need the so called rescuing but Georgie knew about the girls Jack Goff hung out with and threw away. He was a low grade Santiago and that was the most searing insult she could think of. Shit. What was this chick’s name? [color=53F0FF][b]”Uh…”[/b][/color] Jack took a second to think. It definitely started with an A. [color=53F0FF][b]”Ashley…?”[/b][/color] He questioned, offering a reassuring smile as if his smile would change the girl’s name. [b]“...it’s Eliza.”[/b] The girl said, [b]“I told you twice like five minutes ago…?”[/b] She asked curiously. [color=53F0FF][b]”...right. Eliza. Her name’s Eliza!”[/b][/color] Jack then sort of realized what was going on, [color=53F0FF][b]”Don’t you have someone else to be fucking with right now? What are you doing here? I’m clearly trying to have a conversation here.”[/b][/color] Georgie smiled, because he had proved her point and flipped her hair over her shoulder in mock pride. [color=slateblue][b]”Taking pictures.”[/b][/color] She joked, flipping up the lens cap of her camera and making sure she turned the flash brightness on high as she took numerous photos up close and personal with Jack’s eyeball. Closing his eyes at Georgie’s assault with her camera, he quickly put his hand up. [color=53F0FF][b]”Jesus Christ, Georgie, get that thing out of my face!”[/b][/color] He said, rubbing his eyes and blinking once the light went away. [color=53F0FF][b]”Out of all the places, dude…”[/b][/color] Georgie laughed and pulled the camera away to look at the screen. [color=slateblue][b]”Look at your ugly face!”[/b][/color] She crowed as she stuffed the screen up at his face. The girl beside him must’ve felt pretty out of place so Georgie turned to smile at her reassuringly. [color=slateblue][b]”I’m serious, darling. Don’t waste your time on this arse here.”[/b][/color] [color=53F0FF][b]”Or… how about you not pay any mind to what this chick has to say and experience it for yourself? Who you gonna trust? Her, or me?”[/b][/color] Georgie pushed Jack slightly to the side so she was standing in front of him, facing the girl. [color=slateblue][b]”The fact that he calls girls ‘chicks’ is enough evidence to leave him alone.”[/b][/color] The girl looked at both Georgie and Jack Goff, the gears surely grinding in her head. [b]“I… I think I’m gonna go with this girl. Sorry. It was nice talking to you!”[/b] Jack Goff had a look of disbelief. He was [i]clearly[/i] not happy with this. [color=53F0FF][b]”Alright… you’re making a mistake, but you do you.”[/b][/color] He then eyed Georgie, giving her a mean evil eye. [color=53F0FF][b]”Thanks, Georgie. Thanks a lot. Seriously.”[/b][/color] [color=slateblue][b]”No problem, Goff.”[/b][/color] She made to turn away before she stopped and turned back round. [color=slateblue][b]”What did you do during winter break, by the way?”[/b][/color] Georgie always didn’t want to be too curious, especially when it came to those she didn’t like. But she had always wondered what Jack did in his free time other than muck about pretending to be king. [color=53F0FF][b]”Not meddling in other people’s business.”[/b][/color] Jack Goff replied, [color=53F0FF][b]”You?”[/b][/color] He couldn’t believe this chick just walked up and ruined his vibe like that! Everything was dandy! Up until her interference. She literally went out of her way to fuck with him. The audacity. Georgie smiled sweetly at his answer, trying to come up with a similar scathing remark before giving up and saying with a shrug of her shoulders [color=slateblue][b]“Sawyer, Gavin and I went to London. It was really nice and I got to take a ton of pictures.”[/b][/color] Seeing as Jack wasn’t responding she simply shrugged before lifting her fingers up in a goodbye [color=slateblue]”[b]It was nice to see you, Jack. Hopefully we won’t meet again.”[/b][/color][/color][/indent]