[hr][hr][right][sub][b]A Light in the Dark[/b] ✰✰✰ [@Inkarnate][@Grey][@KiwiTime][/sub][/right][center][hr][hr][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5iMWRkZmMuVG1saElFTnNZWFpwY3csLC4wAAAA/lovers-quarrel.regular.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] [indent] Staring at the job board intently, Nia's eyes roamed the few jobs that lingered. The most interesting job had been snatched up right away, and the group had long departed. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't worried, but so long as they stuck together and followed Klaus' lead, things would likely be alright. Her worry did fuel her indecision somewhat, part of her wishing she had some way of knowing how things went, another part of her subtly trying to figure out how much she still needed to make rent this month. She could probably skirt by the month with a small amount just under budget, but there were a few things she wanted to get for her little home that required more jewels than usual. At least, that was what she told herself; her apartment was minimalist at the moment, and she tried to convince herself that she didn't [i]need[/i] more chairs for the seating area or a nice painting to hang on the empty wall, but she couldn't help herself. After letting out a wistful sigh, she squeezed her eyes shut and randomly snatched a page off the board. Opening her eyes, she squinted at the lucky job--one Thoronia Whitecliff was requesting aid in finding her missing son. Oh, no, this was [i]terrible[/i] and sad and--goodness, she felt herself tearing up already. There weren't very many details on the bill, instead asking for wizards to help her out. She frowned at the page, wondering what could have happened. [/indent][hr][hr]