"Ouch." Harper wasn't best pleased when Coal took a hold of her hand. "Hey, that hurts!!" The blonde tried to swat him away, just as Joel appeared. He was the allocated medic for patrol that day. "Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me.." Apparently when in pain, Johnson was a bit of a potty mouth. Joel shook his head, half amused, and half exasperated. "I know, right? It's me or Mia. Think yourself lucky." He shook his head, "But let me fix you up." The Ex carefully handed back Devin his jacket with a polite nod, "So, what have we got?" He turned her hand around and puffed his cheeks out. "Soooooo." He felt around in his pack for a bandage and some antiseptic wound wash. "Detective Coal, could you please grab me a vest from the car.." He handed the Detective his keys and Harper rolled her eyes stubbornly, "I am not wearing a bullet vest." "You are.. And then you're going to the hospital." He insisted, "You need stitches in your palm. It's a right mess." Knowing that shock was the best tactic with Harper, he turned the hand to show her. The blonde looked for a second and then glanced away. "Yeah, well...whatever. Just wrap it up or something." Dan came over in a rush, "Ohhhh Man. Scott is going to be so pissed. He'll think I didn't do what I was supposed do and then..." The rookie was flustered, re-positioning his glasses as he rambled. "Dan, Scott is always pissed. Have you got anything for the pain in that pack, Joel.." Harper tried to look, and he lightly tapped her good hand, "No, funnily enough, they don't let me carry morphine around." He cleaned off the area as best he could, and tightly wrapped the bandage around it. Admittedly, it felt a little better just having it secured. He then pulled out a triangular bandage and rigged up a sling to keep it up, tying it gently under her hair at the back of her neck. "There, you should be comfortable until you get it sorted.." "Cool, thanks." Harper stood up, "I'm just going to go and quickly..." Dan shook his head, "You aren't going to quickly do anything." He put his foot down firmly, "You're going to the hospital." "I feel fine.." Joel chuckled, "Yeah, good luck arguing with her, Dan. But seriously, you lost a ton of blood, sit down for a minute.. " The Ex got a death glare, and he held his hands up in a humorous surrender, before heading to his patrol car to dump off his stuff. Enroute, he passed Devin. "Take your girlfriend to the hospital. She needs stitches." The tone was less then friendly, but it wasn't quite as bitter as usual. "She'll argue." He warned. "But, it would seem that you're pretty [I]familiar[/i] with Harps already." What's was that supposed to mean? Well, basically that he had very much witnessed the night out. And just letting Devin know that he knew. But how much he knew, was anyone's guess.