Roxy snorted when Jess said that this was the last thing she wanted. That was the truth but it didn't matter. It didn't change anything. The empath was still stuck with her and having to deal with emotions. [color=blue]"The bubble is my responsibility Jess. None of the research that I've done indicates you affect it in anyway." [/color]Which was true. It was always the anchor who struggled to add an empath to their lives rather than the empath dealing with society. None of them mentioned feeling the emotions of their anchor. [color=blue]"I doubt there is anything anyone can do but I suppose we'll see as time passes."[/color] Roxy shrugged. She wasn't the one being drained by having to deal with emotions. She had buried them long ago. She continued down the hall where her father was waiting. He was looking at his watch. [color=aba000]"Its about time. Roxanna you were raised better than this. I hope the food isn't too cold. The cook would be disappointed. You're supposed to keep things calm for your empath. Not stir up emotions."[/color] Reginald scolded. [color=blue]"The longer we stand here the colder the food is going to get." [/color]Roxy pointed out. She moved passed him and headed to the kitchen.