[color=6ecff6][i]Well this has certainly been interesting. Treville is quite getting quite vocal, perhaps he is worried I’ll say the wrong thing and get us all killed?[/i][/color] Shaking her head slightly she settled down inside the palanquin making herself as comfortable as she could, she was still annoyed with Treville but for now she would just focus on making it his palace in one piece. Whatever had gone down between Ozragad and the person he had met with didn’t sound all too great, a part of her worried on if her own men would be safe going to the palace. They were strong fighters but could easily be overpowered by numbers especially if the King did not choose to help them. [color=6ecff6][i]No, it will be fine. They have covered anything Eorzian about them, it’s not much longer until they can rest. If they can.[/i][/color] Tapping her fingers against one of the walls of the palanquin she felt restless herself, it was anxious being so far deep into the enemy territory. Although a part of her knew the King would not allow harm to come to her there was still the nagging feeling in the back of her mind that she had come to her death. That she would be killed in the night and they blame it on some sort of sickness to try to appease the Eorzians. [color=6ecff6][i]Give me strength, patience and… what was that?[/i][/color] Looking up from her clasped hands placed neatly in her lap she heard the cry of Long live the King. Smiling to herself at the sentiment it was clear he had the love of his people, that was important when King. You had to command the respect of your people but also be loved by them as they hold power in numbers. However, after the words she felt the tension, it was hard not to sense it and she felt the nerves hit her. Frowning at the next words she heard she couldn’t help but cringe, her body shuddered as they cried out supporting the peace. Supporting her. [color=6ecff6][i]I shouldn’t be your queen, don’t praise it.[/i][/color] Then came the boos, jeers and she felt her body tense up. These were fresh wounds; the war had barely been over, and she knew that claiming such a thing would divide the people. It had done in her Kingdom upon announcement of the peace treaty. As much as there were supporters of the peace there were also the fanatically people that were dead against such an idea. It had caused quite problem in Eorzia that her father had set up a scapegoat travel carriage in order for her actual one to pass through peacefully. It had worked, she had managed to start the journey in peace and the scapegoat carriage had been taken hostage by loyal devoted people who did not want their Princess given to a warlord. The reaction of the words spread like wildfire; she could hear the commotion, but she didn’t dare look. For once she had to place her faith in Ozragad that he would keep her and her men safe, it was quite the unsettling feeling for her, but she focused on trying to keep calm. Flinching at the next words she felt her fingers curl up into fists bunching up the fabric of her dress as she gripped it tightly needing to feel the pressure of holding something so tightly. [color=6ecff6][i]Down with Ozragad? Are they so mad about this peace to wish ill of their King?[/i][/color] Concern crossed her mind for a split second before she shook the thought out of her head. They were just angry men, it had to be expected. Flinching as she heard the small hail of stones bounce off of the palanquin, she half expected a fight to break out, but she felt a wave of relief when she heard them say they were near the gates. However, her relief was short lived, the next sounds she heard would trouble her. Placing a hand over her mouth hiding the gasp as she heard the blood curdling scream, it went right through her and she trembled. The palanquin was still moving forward but not quick enough, not far enough as she could still hear the distant screams from behind them. [color=6ecff6][i]That could have been me, it still could…[/i][/color] A sickening thought passed through her as she thought on the warlord, the King who was now personally dealing with his people. It had taken her a moment to realise the palanquin had stopped moving and she glanced towards the exit, for a split second she wondered if this was where she was about to die but that washed away when she saw Treville offer his hand to help her out. Letting out a rather shaky breath she unclenched her fists smoothing out her dress once more, regaining her composure she exited the palanquin taking Trevilles hand this time and stood tall and proud as if she hadn’t heard what had happened. Clearing her throat, she took a few steps forward, partly to make sure she felt okay on her feet and another part to increase the distance from the gates. Smiling politely at Manawyndan she was glad the journey was over, [color=6ecff6][b]“Thank you for escorting me and my men to palace.”[/b][/color] Regardless of the events she still had to be polite, show respect else she would consistently be watching out for people that would try to kill her. Glancing back, she could see Treville standing just behind her and all her men just two steps behind, all unscathed thankfully. As much as she hated to admit it he had protected her and her men, something she would thank him for if there was a chance even if she hated the idea.