Chihiro stayed asleep for the most part. She did end up half-awake at the end but saw no danger and just went back to sleeping. After all, she had a dream she quite liked and wanted to get back to as soon as feasible. Her eyes were already closed, and her mind was already nearly back into sleep as Nix leaped over her. Kistal was about to resume talking to her when his companions stirred and spooked her. She took the meat he was going to give anyway and bounded off. He made no move to pursue and in fact stepped to the side to make it clear he intended no one to go after her. He looked back over his shoulder at the waking companions. "Let her go. She just wanted food. I gave her some of my extra food, sweet meats specifically." He leaned against his spear and watched her agility. It was very interesting to watch. She was out of her element but seemed to adapt at a decent pace.