[center][b]20 BBY Yavin The Great Temple[/b][/center] A [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/b/b2/Raygar_bust.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090725013418] Tall yellow green skinned Humanoid[/url] in the typical robes of a scientist adorned with excavation tools surveyed the area inside the former base of Exar Kun and. He was puzzled, he had no means to access the front of the temple so he urged his colleagues and their hired help to dig instead to the lower chambers. After much backbreaking labor from his peers and their students the dig site bore fruit... a hidden chamber. The Doctor desired to see for himself the inscriptions and hieroglyphs inside for translation. He had to find the prize requested by Sly Moore she would not tolerate failure. Raygar stood outside of the entrance of the dig site waiting for someone to tell him of a finding. “Doctor Raygar! We have found something.” A voice in the distance signaled “Good, be careful to not activate any trap-” “AHHHHHHHHHHH!” Before his warning was heeded a yell could be heard “...I told that fool to be careful. Raygar could only shrug at that students incompetence. Raygar approached the Chamber entrance slowly, each step was carefully made even outside of the hidden chamber he suspected traps. He came across his peers and the dig team members terrified by the gory end of the student who signaled his finding to Raygar rather than watching his surroundings properly. [url=https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/indianajones/images/5/58/Satipo_death.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111019112524]The student was pinned to the wall by massive spikes[/url] that he stupidly activated by stepping on a hidden panel. Some of the crewmen ran out of the tunnel screaming as Raygar arrived. “Why can’t you fools look before you leap?” “Doctor you didn’t say this would be dangerous!” One of Raygar’s peers demanded him “I needed to be certain you would go with a lucrative venture, safety be damned. We have research to do.” The distraught peer of Raygar grabbed the scientist by his shirt. “One of my Students are dead Raygar! Listen to me we are going back to Coruscant to tell Moore and Amedda we failed and you will compensate my students family!” Raygar observed another stone panel on the nearby wall . “Ah why don’t we just...cut your share out in addition?” Raygar pushed the other man into a fake brick in a nearby wall and ducked. A wall opened up revealing holes in the wall that began to shoot darts that riddled the grieving Archeologist with pins tipped with Sith Nurotoxins. His eyes began to bleed as he began to spasm violently until he fell to the ground lifelessly. Raygar slowly rose up after his peers fall and looked at his fellow scientists, their students and the digger team. “Now does anyone else want to leave empty handed?” [center]* * *[/center] The excavation continued with no further casualties thanks to Raygars guidance, his knowledge of the ruins itself was thanks to Sly Moore’s data. The Argazdan carried a smug demeanor addressing his peers at this point. Why wouldn’t he be proud about the new finds, that Shadow Woman opened Raygar up to a history only spoken to in legends!. To think the Jedi fools would suppress such knowledge from the common man...the hubris of those ivory tower dullards adhering to a long eared midget. The recent acquisitions included a Chalice and an amazing frieze depicting a great battle, but it was not all of it. Raygar traveled deeper into the uncovered chambers and found several great capsules. One belonging to a massive transparent pod, a [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/4/41/Kalgrath.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20060226090610]reptilian creature[/url] could be seen stirring in the pod as if it was a second womb. A warning in Massasi could be scribbled on its antiquated life support device. [i][b]<>[/b][/i] Raygar as keen as he was in investigating this hidden Bioweapon its warning implied risking awakening the creature was far above his pay grade. He proceeded to investigate the smaller devices in nearby chambers, he had to be sure to find a way to avoid activating anything...Raygar had a better idea cross his mind. “I have found something come here, and don’t touch the pod in the other room for the love of Via!” he said to the rest of the team. The remaining members of the crew present they all marveled at the strange cylinders, each one contained a more Humanoid figure compared to the so called Night Beast in the previous chamber. “Doctor Raygar what do you suggest we do?’” “First have some students take the artifacts back to the ship and return. The rest of you keep investigating, there is a great power here.” “We have enough Raygar, just because you fancy yourself some kind of Argazdan slave lord doesn’t mean our students are cheap labor!” One of his fellow Archeologists complained. “Fine if you don’t want to make yourself useful I will have to encourage you!” The Argazdan pulled out a blaster shocking the scientist. Raygar waved the Pistol in the direction his unfortunate peer should move in. “This is Madness Raygar! I’ll have your career for this!” The researcher shouted impotently as he moved forward. “Not if you keep moving…” Raygar retorted while smiling wickedly. The scientist realized he was doomed as he stepped upon a switch that activated a red beam that [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/9/93/GrammelDeath.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110206203816]sliced the archeologist in half like he was twine[/url]. The rest of the team just looked in horrified silence. “Come the risk is worth the reward here, prepare a grav loader at once. We have a full haul…”