[h2][color=39b54a][center]Gabri[color=fff200]ella Go[/color]nzales Re[color=fff200]pulsa L[/color]ibre[/center][/color][/h2] [hr] [color=39b54a]"Now is not the time for our hands to be full of small girls."[/color] Gabriella's heavily accented voice punctuated her arrival behind Dawn, clad in a costume even more revealing than that of the much shorter girl, yet garnering her much less attention from the opposite sex, for better or worse. Wanting to sort her goofball classmates out while they had time, Gabby reached down in an attempt to hook her hands under Dawn's triangular arms, and lift her up off of Kerianne. If successful, she'd set the girl down on her feet beside Keri, allowing Keri to stand as well if she had the energy. [color=39b54a]"Heroes must be vigilant even on normal days. For days...like..."[/color] Her attempt at getting her classmates to focus was interrupted by a long yawn, causing her eyes to water. Once it was finished, she tried to continue as if it hadn't happened, blinking the tears out of her vision. [color=39b54a]"...today, that applies two times."[/color] Gabby tried not to think about her own fatigued state. She had to demonstrate she'd learned from her failure to be relevant during the rescue practice they'd done a couple weeks ago, as well as over the last week and weekend spending time with Momo. She trusted her adrenaline would kick in and wake her up once things started getting hectic. Still, it was hard not to feel bad about the decisions that had led to her being so run-down. She hoped nobody noticed and asked about it. She wasn't sure her classmates paid that much attention to her since she was typically pretty quiet, so they might not have realized that she was typically pretty energetic mornings, even on Mondays. With any luck, she'd get through this without having to embarrass herself with her explanation.