Alidren Baldyr's lips parted in awe as he gazed at the biggest town he had ever seen. A city! Bigger even than Terran's Ferry. No, it was a hundred times larger than Terran's Ferry! His da had been right, "with docks as far as the eye can see and marshes that can swallow the world." Ali had thought he was exaggerating, but the breadth of the settlement before him now was hard to fathom. At last he said. "I had no idea men could build such things..." "Well," The merchant Royce said, pulling at the sack of goods on his back. "If you can believe the tales, it was build over the old Dorelle Caromon city, much as it is said Caemlyn was built by the Ogier. But no one really believes that. Such beasts never existed." He was an older man covered in a blue wool coat and brown leathers. He, along with his small caravan of like minded sellers and peddlars had run across Ali and Mave a scant few days ago on the road after they had jumped ship from Remen. Royce took off his wide brimmed hat and wiped the sweat from his balding head. Ali glanced at the merchant. "Ogier exist. I've seen them." Royce snorted, and he smiled, showing his poorly maintained teeth. "Ha! That's a good one boy. Let me guess, you've been hunted by Trollocs too and have been on the run, eh? Come now, young master. I wouldn't be saying such stories in the city. All manner of queer folk'll want to take advantage of you, or worse, they'll believe you. You don't want that kind of attention. Anymore than those eyes of yours will get. Nor would you want it for your lady friend either, I tell you." The tall young man's face reddened at the insinuation, and he turned his head back to see the Aes Sedai at the rear of the group, walking with another woman and laughing. It had been a fortnite since they had stumbled upon the steading, and they had spent four days with the Ogier and over a week on the ship, and three days on the road, skulking and hiding when they could. They had little time to talk alone in the Steading, and even less time to truly speak as they traveled, other than what direction they should go and when they should hide. On the ship there had always been elbows and sweaty shoulders pressed between them. It had been fine days with the sights, but miserable nights. He wondered if she had been to Illian before. It was where she had been trying to go since they had met. He still fancied her, but he wondered if her feelings had changed. Once they were in the city, would she abandon him? Light, he wouldn't blame her. He'd felt a bumbling fool the entire time they had known one another. But looking back at the huge city, with the lower, outer town with buildings twice as tall as any in Edmon's Field, and further in where they grew exponentially in size. He wouldn't know where to go. Particularly if she left. He'd be hunted by Darkfriends and hiding among the crowds before he could maybe go light knows where. Camelyn? Suddenly he jerked and looked around, eyes widened in fear. The quick movement startled the shorter merchant. Royce backed up a step, hands in the air. "Hold young master, what's wrong?" he asked, confused. The Maroon eyed youth looked behind him and in front, swearing he had heard what he thought. It was the same thing the past week. Something no matter where he traveled, he couldn't get away from. As if the Dark One himself haunted him. "Did you hear that?" Ali asked breathlessly, a cold sweat brimming on his temple. Royce placed a hand on the younger man's shoulder, looking at him cautiously but trying to smile. "Boy, you need to relax. There's nothing here." Ali knew he was wrong. He had heard the mad laughter, and the whispers of a nameless fear in what had to be the recesses of his mind.