When Miryia and the 501st landed on the outskirts of Iziz, they began a sweep of the surrounding areas. Intel was sketchy at best on the exact location of the base. This forced them to look around a general area, which is the best Imperial Intelligence could give them. Despite their best efforts, the group was forced to enter the city. At Miryia's orders, the Stormtroopers changed into a series of disguises and managed to enter Iziz without alerting the local authorities. When she entered the city, Miryia couldn't help but sense a disturbance in the Force. Whoever it was, they were making enough of a ripple that she could sense it. Though, it was obvious that they were hiding it. Before she could investigate any further, her commlink beeped. "Commander, come in. We found something. Seems the Rebels hid their base inside a local cantina. We've locked down the establishment. Orders?" Now that was interesting, she'd felt it, for the briefest of moments a being possessed of some power in the force, one doing its best to hide itself. For the briefest seconds it seemed almost confounded as if it was trying to perceive something to search. The ripples faded and for the first time since her awakening the ancient Jedi caught a whiff of the mechanisms and methods by which the modern force users wielded the force. -Not that much has changed, but they call out to the force, rather than looking within to call out- a breeze passed through city streets and her cloak was pressed against her body casting a hooded shadow out before her. Her commlink went off in that moment and she very nearly missed it, being lost in the analyses of the power she felt. "Hold position, instruct Captain Cardinal to look for for any vaults or sealed rooms but only unlock them, I'll be there in a moment" She'd reached out with the force as they entered the city, Onderon was always a place of power in the darkside, but there was something, new and yet ancient here, something concentrated beyond mere localized disturbances. While she wouldn't be certain until she breached, the former Jedi Master had an idea of what waited for them and that needed a specialized hand. When Miryia arrived at the cantina, one of the 501st soldiers was waiting outside. He was doing a good job pretending to talk to one of his comrades. Both of them were holding drinks and blending in with the busy streets of the city. Two police officers passed by and they didn't even notice them standing there. Once inside, Miryia saw that most of the squad was sitting around in the Cantina. Most were blending in, except for Cardinal who was standing near the bar right in front of the clearly terrified bartender. Off to the side, there was a shelf that was half opened, one of the Stormtroopers was standing near it covering most of the entrance. As she walked towards the Cantina, two of the "patrons" leaning lazily on the outside locked eyes with her and she nodded her head. It was a testament to just how profoundly foolish much of the Remnants leadership was that these warriors could fake drunkenness so perfectly because they likely had spent most of the intervening months since Endor in an alcoholic stupor. As the municipal law officers passed them Miryia's purple eyes focused on the building itself and she had to suppress a nostalgic chuckle. One of the "drunks" noticed and she shook her head, it was a story she might tell them later, one day perhaps when it was necessary to further the goal of earning their loyalty. Cardinal stood, a statue ready to attack any who dared enter, standing sentry and Miryia turned to eye the frightened bar tender. Upon laying eyes on the men she couldn't help but smile, a regal smile that barely hid the predators glint in her eyes. "you there?" she queried her features shifting as she began to slowly advance towards him, the air around the cantina began to grow cold and then heavy as though an animal of some sort, barely able to fit inside the cantina had taken up a seat. "Where are you from?" she queried, it was such a mundane question but there was an edge to the question as if it was more a pretext to attack, though whether the power that suddenly enveloped the room was a mere show to scare the bar tender, or a message to another, or her preparing to do something. Her left hand rose, an expensive bottle of Chandrillan brandy floated from the shelf and began to dance in the air before it landed in one of the "drunken" troopers laps. "That, is very fine liquor for a backwater, even one in the inner rim" "I don't doubt it" Simple payments, was never enough when one wanted to conscript an Onderonian to do your bidding, they always required finesse, an exchange of goods, a façade of manufactured honor to paint a nice cover over the reality that they were selling themselves to the highest bidder, or whoever offered them a handout first. "I believe" she began, her voice remaining its usual melodiously formal tone, only now a hint of something feral joined the chorus that left her voice box. "that might be the only honest answer, you'll give me. But I'll give you one chance, one chance to tell me where the relic is" she paused there and gently "tugged" him closer, close enough that her fingers ran across his chin. "I'm no Sith, I can keep your brain functioning long after you've taken any suicide pills you might have been given. I can pull the information from you brain, but it will likely leave you mentally impaired for the rest of your days, I don't want to do this to you...But I will. So do not lie to me Bartender do not so much as omit a truth" Her eyes fluttered to the Captain, the look in them implied she wanted his men ready to move soon. The bartender started to shake in sheer fear. He also started sweating, avoiding Miryia's stare as much as he could. "P-please. The Alliance paid me to use the cellar for an operation of theirs. I-I just took the money. Didn't think anything of it! The Empire was gone..." Cardinal drew a smaller datapad from a bag that hung from his left shoulder. Placing it on the table, it showed a chart with a series of communications between the bar and known New Republic planets. "You're a spy." Cardinal declared, pointing at the history of communications. "You have been feeding intel to the Rebels since the War began. Where is the artifact?" The Bartender froze as he saw the evidence before him. "Wait! I'll tell you... They brought something in here a few months ago! It made me sick for a few days. They keep it in one of the vaults down there. Please! It's all I know!" Having been found out, the bartender broke down sobbing. It didn't take long for them to draw out the information from him. Seems the New Republic was losing its touch. One of the Storm Troopers rose from a table, walking forward a hand reaching for his pistol only to stop as Miryia shook her head lightly. No, there was no need to kill this one though what he'd said of the item confirmed her suspicions and made her eyes hardened and burn with a lust that would have boiled illum or Hoth if it had been focused into a laser. Her fingers coiled around the man's chin and she brought his face to meet hers. "You know of your history, during the New Sith Wars, the Jedi Master who destroyed the Fortress here? The one who slew most of the men over twenty in this wretched city millennia ago? What was it you called her? The She wolf?" Miryia smiled, slowly allowing him to glimpse her face allowing him to realize who she was. "Tell the rest of your people, that she has returned and that Onderon no longer belongs to the Rebel alliance..and if you so much as a breathe a word of intelligence to them unless its false intelligence we provide, I shall return to this world and burn it to ash" rising Miryia turned towards the basement "Come Captain we must move quickly, another force user is on this planet" "And I would not have this taken by another"