I'mma give this a friendly bump so the thread doesn't autolock itself. [quote=@Moro] So.. How's the weather, where you guys live? What's everyone thinking about WWIII? :lol Top 5 favorite movies? [/quote] 1) For some reason the weather here can't make it's mind up. We'll have 3-5 inches of snow, and then it'll melt only for it to snow a ton later. Like, do you want it to warm up or freeze? lol 2) Eh, it probably won't happen. Some of the memes are funny, though. 3) Don't really have a top 5 or thought of one in the past. Maybe because I don't really have many "favorite" movies, but oh well. Would have to say the Jurassic Park franchise would be a good contender for it (not JP3 or JW:FK, those movies are zzzzzzzz). Other than that, I'mma throw an oddball out there and say the second Pokemon movie. Just rewatched it this weekend and it's still good enough to be in my favorites. Probably because I'm a sucker for Lugia in general, but I dig the plot too.