"No, I actually prefer Ice Hockey. They have far better music, and I love it when the players skate by and whack the perspex with their stick." Perhaps a childhood spent in Minniapolis was starting to show. Home of the Might Ducks and all that jazz. "I hate baseball. It's so. Dull, and the uniform is rediculous." It was odd, hanging out With Devin in such a relaxed environment, without the addition of alcohol. Odd, but refreshing. Sure they weren't drunk at work, but they had other worries. Other worries and a Professional persona to uphold. To say that it was a slight surprise when Coal kissed her, would have been an understatement. I mean sure, she'd thought about the previous night, but she'd blamed the alcohol. That would never happen when they were sober.. Just to help rationalise the situation. Did she want it to happen sober? Of course. That wasn't the point. They just had no excuse to fall back on when booze wasn't involved. Harper returned the kiss, her knee bending and settling against Coal's side. What was going on between them? It was like some bonkers magnetic force. Was the Joel angle really been the only component that had been keeping them apart? It was worth the contemplation, but she'd worry about that some other time. Maybe. "My rooms over there.." Harper pointed behind her, towards a hallway. It was an upside down house. Half bungalow hybrid. "I don't really need Sean wandering in" She'd never live it down. It really would have been just like High School all over again.