Every ounce of common sense and professionalism told Harper not to follow Devin into the Evidence room, but unfortunately her legs weren't listening. The blonde stood from her seat and picked up her muffin, taking a bite as she wandered through the office. At the start of whatever this was between them, she had fiercely protested that this wasn't going to happen. Fiercely. Yet, turns out, she had crappy willpower. The door clicked and she walked inside, "You brought chocolate." She observed, as she headed for where he was fiddling with boxes and actually looking professional for a change. "So.." Harper smirked, "Admit it, you missed me. Alot." Of course a dorky eyebrow waggle followed as she finished off the remainder of her sweet treat. "On a scale of one to ten, how much?" Figures were necessary. Besides, she already new they favorable. They'd talked a ton on the phone.