[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cILISdu.png[/img] Homurahara Courtyard(Banquet of Kings), Academy [@BB] [All the kids with their pumped up kicks] [/center] “Gahahaha! I see you have been tasked with providing the entertainment for your king! A worthy offering, if I do say so myself!” Timur told the newly arrived man. After all, the death of a single person was not anything to concern Timur of, especially a boring man. If it was a cute woman, as a “feminist”, Timur might have been upset by the turn of events, but this was no the case. “Going to a party without providing something of a service is rather rude, after all. Wouldn’t you all agree! Gahahahaha!” Timur laughed again. He truly was enjoying himself at this moment. The brutality against other men was something that he simply laughed at in any given situation. He was the man who had made pyramids of skulls to show that even those who had surrendered peacefully to him would not be spared his wrath. A true scourge upon the world. However, his laughter stopped short when “Something” whispered in his ear. He could feel the thrum of the world itself for the moment as his attention began to draw itself towards a direction out of sight. To this, he turned towards Nebuchadnezzar and began to speak. “Let me answer you who asked what it means to be a King. A king’s duty is not to his people. It is not to any semblance of country; any duty to those who wave his banner. A king’s duty is to himself! A subject works for a king, and when ordered to die, should die. That is what it means to be a ruler. That is what it means to take the emblem of a country for oneself. And that is what it takes to become a great ruler. A duty of a king is not to his subjects, but for his subject to have a duty to their king! The actions of a king should not reflect concern for his people, but concern for his possession!” Timur began his life as a poor thief with nothing to his name and rose to become one of the greatest empires to ever exist in the world. A being of infamy whose brutality was nothing short of cruel and unusual to his opponents, and even to his allies, but all in the name of “expansion”. He wanted everything. Fame, women, wealth, and … he had forgotten the last thing that he wanted a long time ago when he had steeled his heart for himself and his possessions. He could not let this “other” kill his Slave. Even if they were not the person who bounded them to this world, they were the person that had sworn their fealty to him through choosing him as the summoned Servant in this Grail War. The very act of summoning Rider meant submission to his whims. The very act of abandoning his Slave would mean abandoning all he owned, and Timur was not the sort who would ever share his toys and allow someone to ruin his possessions. He would protect his Slave with his very body of blades, making sure that she would not be harmed, along with himself in a storm of blades. “However, when someone attacks what you own, you are to destroy them to the utmost of your ability as a leader. That is your responsibility for your possessions. And this person, who had targeted my SLAVE and my LAND, I shall show them no mercy. Come, my hordes. Rage! RAGE! RAGE!!!” [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGdY06DsCjU]The first shot[/url] rang out behind Timur with his “Super Elephant Invincible Delhi Destruction Force”. And the second. And the next. And then the next. All at the same time, together in a cacophonous symphony of cannons were all one could hear, drowning out the air like a hymn of destruction. However, beyond the cacophony of his weapons, one could hear a sound. A sound that struck fear into the hearts of men who had heard it upon the battlefield. ... And what sound was … [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-oHfNLNM7w ]“GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” [/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e4kM-dgPOs] "GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"[/url] [center] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/alicesoft/images/f/f6/7th-HL-War-GAHAHAHA.png/revision/latest?cb=20160810204810[/img] [/center]