Hello, I’m Amaranth. I’m not great with fancy formatting so I’ll make this straight and to the point. I’ve been wanting to do a Star Wars 1x1 featuring a Jedi and a Padawan and their adventures through our chosen era. You know, like Anakin and Obi-wan or Obi-wan and Qui-gon or Anakin and Ahsoka or Luminara and Barriss. Something like that. I’ve always felt like it’s a pretty obvious idea but I’ve never seen anyone suggest it. Anyways, we could choose any era we wanted, I’m not picky, each one would have its own quirks that would be fun to do. I’m even open to post-ROTJ legends if that’s what you’re into. Now onto expectations and rules. The basics all apply, no godmodding, no ghosting (at least without letting me know first), no real-life racism/bigotry etc etc. You know, the basics. I’d expect this to be high casual to advanced. A lot of people say that but I’m going to try and define it. Basically I just want to know that you are at least capable of typing out an advanced post. I don’t want or expect you to put out five paragraphs every response but I’d like you to have some effort and thought behind your posts. I’d also like you to exercise at least decent grammar and spelling. That’s all really. Just put some thought and effort into your posts and I’ll be happy. As for posting rate, I’m not too impatient, just one or two posts a week is fine, though more is welcomed as well as long as you are putting effort and thought into them. I’ll try and match your pace if you’d like as well. Some other miscellaneous stuff that may or may not be relevant. Any species is fine, same with any gender, just no droids for obvious reasons. I’m up for paying either the master or the padawan so if you want to play the maverick Jedi Master that’s cool and if you want to play the hothead Padawan that’s also cool. I’d be open to trying an opposite alignment version but I’d need a pitch first. Mature themes should probably be expected but we should probably discuss how far that will extend once we have a scenario locked down. Anyway that’s all I can think of for now. Send me a PM if you like the idea or if you have a question or if you want to talk :)