[quote=@tipssyCalibrator] Hmmm...how exactly will that manifest itself in the RP? Alright, I suppose the "avoiding attacks" aspect is the most important part [/quote] Like I desrcibed, he can't fight back while in Mist Form, unlike in the original version of the power, so he'd either have to flee or revert back and go in fair and square. As for how it manifests, I honestly don't know. It's not really... physical in a normal sense I think? I mean it was formed from pain, just like the claws were formed from hate. In the game he sort of just... summons them. Even after you unlock them again by going through his mind and essentially relearning, I think, how to call upon them, he sort of just sticks out his hands or hand and the things materialize. Hold on, found a gif of said summoning. [img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/14/147508/5668983-dracula%20ability%20void%20sword%20%282%29.gif[/img] [img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/14/147508/5668987-dracula%20ability%20chaos%20claws%20%282%29.gif[/img] Unless I've understood the question wrong, that's how they work pretty much. EDIT: I've edited the CS in my PMs. Will post it here in a bit. And lastly a gif of the Shadow Whip. [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/egClbwhMkZ9du/source.gif[/img] Length of whip is negotiable, and even seems to change during gameplay when used. Sort of like it adjusts itself. I probably won't be taking it to the same length as the trailer though. Hell, I'm pretty sure it doesn't even go that far in the game itself.