[hider= The Blind Bandit] Name: Toph “The Blind Bandit” Beifong Appearance: [hider=Toph][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/4/46/Toph_Beifong.png/220px-Toph_Beifong.png[/img][/hider] Series of origin: Avatar: The Last Airbender Personality: Toph is fiercely independent , sarcastic, direct, stubborn, and confrontational. On top of this, she can be very carefree and adventurous. Toph loves fighting and has great pride in her earthbending skills, which can come off as arrogant more often than not. She usually faces problems head-on as that’s just her style but she isn’t totally opposed to using a different approach if she needs to. Abilities: [b]Earthbending:[/b] From a very young age, Toph was trained in the arts of earthbending under the teachings of the badgermoles. Because of this, she was able to learn their unique ability of seismic sense. She has utilised this ability with her earthbending to ‘feel’ the vibrations in the earth. Through this heightened seismic sense, Toph can visualize where people are, find out their relative distance from her, and even get a rough idea on their build. However, one of her major flaws is that she relies on her seismic sense to ‘see’ by feeling vibrations in the earth, this makes her very vulnerable to air-based attacks. Toph’s earthbending style is very unique and unpredictable, as her training was more unconventional and more deeply rooted into the nature of earthbending. This makes her superior to other earthbenders because of this and usually gives her an edge in a fight. [b]Sandbending:[/b] Because sand is loose and ultimately always changing, Toph finds it difficult to navigate through and control. To compensate somewhat, Toph can condense the sand to give her better footing when she walks over it. However, she is not able to use sand as effectively in a fight like she can with earth and as such, is limited to how she can fight with it. [b]Metalbending:[/b] Another one of Toph’s abilities is that she is able to bend metal. Because of her ability to feel the vibrations in earth, Toph can locate impurities (small fragments of earth) within the metal and manipulate it, allowing her to “bend” the metal. However, just like sandbending, she isn’t too proficient in the style and metalbending especially requires lots of concentration to use properly. It also has the added effect of draining her energy pretty rapidly so she can’t use it too often anyway. [b]Other Senses:[/b] Toph is blind and because of this, her other senses have been heightened. Her sense of touch and hearing being the most prominent examples. Her sense of touch allowing her to put her seismic sense to good use and her sense of hearing giving her the innate ability to hear things that normal people otherwise won’t. She also never forgets someone’s voice once she hears it. Weapons and equipment: N/A Character alignment: Neutral/Chaotic Neutral Other: This is based off of Toph as she appears in the Avatar: The Last Airbender. [/hider] As always, let me know if anything needs to be changed.