[color=lightgray][CENTER]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][table][row][/row][row][cell] [h3][color=00aeef][i][b]Emanuel "Manny" Newman[/b][/i][/color][/h3] [i][b][color=00aeef]Location:[/color][/b][/i] Medical (B) [i][b][color=00aeef]Skills:[/color][/b][/i] N/A [/cell][cell] [right][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d552b003-bb2d-4c09-ad58-f20f3e2d1b17.jpg[/img][/right] [/cell][/row][/table][CENTER]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][/color] Manny was impressed by what this place had to offer, though he did struggle with the fact that he had well over 50 years of medical experience, and he was stuck on janitorial detail. He didn't let that displeasure show on his face. No point in it. All it would do not is create more problems then help, so he smiles, and listened as everyone talked. Plus, something would open up soon he figured. How many dentists could really be left in the world at this point? Plus, who knew. Maybe he would get called out as a temporary doctor for one of the close by communities. Either seemed like a decent option, working back int he medical field, while no longer having to worry about his patient coming back from the dead to rip his face off. Or having to carry all of his medical gear as well as a shotgun, plus anywhere from 15-80 shotgun shells. The weight added up fast, and a doctor with a shotgun was a confusing sight for everyone. Before introductions could get too far, the loud speakers sprang to life. That was a comforting sound to Manny. He had spent the early days of his medical career in a hospital while he was still learning the trade, so reminders of his more pleasant days as a youth were nice. The talk of the heat was something Manny was also used to. He had spent most of his life south of here with regular heat waves similar to what was going on today. Though the cut back security concerned him. Then he stopped to think about the walls surrounding this place, and figured it was probably fine. If there were enough of the dead to make it so the walls outside might not be enough, then he wasn't sure what extra security patrols might be able to do. The talk about incidents last night reminded him of the drunken soldier boy. He wondered what kind of things he would have to go through to adjust to normal life. The boy seemed... just that. A boy. With how many years things had passed, he wondered if he was even in the army like he said he was. He seemed way too young. Maybe it was a mental security thing to convince himself of a better reality then what happened? He also wondered what it would be like to be a therapist and be able to guess and figure out this sort of thing. Roy's comment helped ease some of Manny's concerns, he wasn't sure if Mary's commend had the effect she intended it to have or not, but he also didn't know her intent. Maybe it was to prevent the thoughts he was having now about how his skills could be better used. He wouldn't say anything about it now, there was no point. But he listened to everyone as they spoke, then thanked them all respectively as they all went about their days. So he followed Lisa for now. She seemed nice, though he wondered how well she was in the medical field being so young. Or maybe that was just him being the old man he was, thinking that [i]Kids Know Nothing These Days[/i] and decided to check that thought too. He deciding being biased towards the youth wasn't the best idea since if in danger, they were all faster then he was. "[color=00aeef]Well, it's nice to meet you Lisa.[/color]" She was polite, he gave her props for that. "[color=00aeef]Do you mind if I ask how long you have been here? In the camp, and in medical?[/color]" He stopped himself. He had been reminded in the past he tends to get too pushy too fast with people. "[color=00aeef]If not I understand, people tell me I get too personal too fast. Still working on that.[/color]" An old habit from his days as a self employed dentist. A great way to keep customers and patients was to get friendly, and create casual conversation. A habit that Manny still couldn't break. But on they want for Manny to start his new job. Janitorial duties. [color=lightgray][CENTER]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][table][row][/row][row][cell] [h3][color=00a651][i][b]Hunter Monroe[/b][/i][/color][/h3][i][b][color=00a651]Location:[/color][/b][/i]Mechanics (K) [i][b][color=00a651]Skills:[/color][/b][/i]N/A [/cell][cell] [right][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ff63c8f2-413e-4dbc-a9d3-4eb2cf95781e.jpg[/img][/right] [/cell][/row][/table][CENTER]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][/color] Hunter nodded and looked focused like he understood everything that was happening around him. Truth be told, he was trying to hide the fact of how much his hangover was making it hard to think strait. Sure, he was used to pain so that wasn't an issue. But the constant throbbing was a pain in the ass to focus on anything for longer then a few seconds at a time. Not that he could do that without the hangover, but it made it harder to correct himself. He registered Checkbook and Sparrow. Nikki's call sign, and... The other one was familiar to Hunter, but he figured it was something he heard last night from where things were foggy as all hell. What he did register was his comment to Ash being shot down. He found that annoying as one, it was a joke, and two, an inside joke that they were not involved with. SO! He smiled, nodded, and pretended he understood everything that was happening. Though all he registered was that someone didn't think his funny as hell joke wasn't funny. And something about him being an officer? No thanks. Being an officer here sounded boring and bureaucratic as hell. Not Hunter's preferred life style. A loud noise came over head, making Hunter's headache worse then it was before. Now? It was harder to deal with. Most of what was said didn't register again to Hunter. Something about an incident last night? He would have to ask about that later. They were given the usual tasks of not back talking or being an ass you get at every job you start. The threat being sewer duty if they didn't behave. He tries not to laugh, but it still came out as a grin, as if there was some inside joke that only he understood. Which in this case, there was. He had spent what he guessed was a week in a sewer once sick as a dog because he got trapped and had to explore to find a way out. Not scary, just annoying as all hell trying to crawl through 3 year old shit and goo while throwing up every time he had to try and eat something. And not being able to use a gun as he quickly learned, methane is a bitch. But he said nothing. Some people left, and they were passed off to the guy who came in with the woman who was scarred to hell. Someone he felt like he should get to know at some point as she seemed to have an interesting story to tell. There was something about a funeral, but Hunter barely registered that, but seeing as he didn't know anyone that died recently he didn't have anything to do with that. Unless that had something to do with the incident last light. But if that was the case then the threat to be shot would probably have gone through. Now that he had been given a moment to clear his head after the announcements, he was able to focus more on... well staying focused. Just in time too, he registered something about Gun at 1400. Then he stopped to think about that with a clear look of confusion on his face. Why would anyone here trust him with a gun? Then he continued to think about it. Did they mean Gunny? That made more sense. But wait... He was apart of the security detail wasn't he? "[color=00a651]M'kay.[/color]" He said clearly still thinking about what was being said. When the duo were brought to their task at be, Hunter registered a few things that he wanted to say, but held his tongue. Mostly. He let out a quiet laugh as he looked into the bathroom. This may have been him still recovering from the hangover but he had a lot of things that went through his head at the moment of seeing this. Mostly the fact that this hadn't been taken care of in a long time. Which implied to him that the common phrase about how there were no openings ever for any position was bullshit, as this place clearly needed a dedicated cleaning crew, or this task had been left just for people who couldn't say no. "[color=00a651]Alright. Alright alright alright alright alright.[/color]" He spoke barely leaving a space between each Alright. He walked inside to get started. The place was a mess which he was annoyed about, but like before, he didn't care too much about the smell. "[color=00a651]Alright... So you can do whatever you want to do. But my way has been proven effective in the past. Family of eight will do this in a week if left unattended.[/color]" He had no proof his way was better, but it was a cleaning routine he was used to and it worked for him. "[color=00a651]Walls first, stall walls next, toilets, mirrors, sinks, then floor with a nice sweep and mop. We do this right it wont take us too long.[/color]" Sure he had no command here, but Hunter was going to do his way. If Ash wanted to go along with him great, if not more power too him. But the order he liked was nice, as most other orders risked messing up something that was already cleaned. "[color=00a651]But I swear to god... if you do the floor before everything else is done, you are going to really make our time together suck. At the very least, don't do the sinks and the floor before the mirrors. The run off is messy as all hell sometimes. Here seems to be no exception.[/color]" He was still hungover, but growing up, the bathroom was his job. And with 5 siblings, bathroom duty was horrid at best. Especially with siblings who would make it messy on purpose just to be jackasses. At least this? Something simple yet familiar. So off to cleaning he went.