[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191217/c8e1b1fce19cc5fa02875a6316e639d4.png[/img] [/center] [color=FFD700]Time: [/color]Night [color=FFD700]Location: [/color]Trance Club → Outside The Pit → Back to Trance... [color=FFD700]Interactions: [/color] Rose ([@Tae]) Returning from the bathroom Felix was pleased to notice the loud, drugged up woman absent but was disheartened by his cousin’s comments. He wasn’t as big a fan of The Pit but it was better than the tense atmosphere that now filled the club. He gave her a quizzical ‘are you sure?’ eyebrow, but she had already turned away to speak to the girl now sitting at the neighbouring table. Well, the evening wasn’t to plan at all. He really didn’t want to let up their table in Trance but he knew that when the twins had set their mind on something, there was nothing further to be said about the matter. He sighed as he got outside. Why couldn’t he have a nice simple night out? He’d nearly been caught up in a fight, his cousins were both chatting to strangers, but at least Rose’s new blonde companion wasn’t this suspicious Damien figure they refused to talk about. The now chilly air was biting through his thin, flowy shirt and so he hurried along the pavement to The Pit. He was not drunk enough yet for that insulating buzz and soon found himself rubbing his arms for frictional warmth. He glanced around and finding no one near he extended his magick slightly all around his body. His personal shield extended a couple of millimetres from his skin and filled with warming air. Now smugly warm he joined the small queue waiting to get into the club. He had just checked his watch, [i]not even 10! [/i]when he noticed the two characters across the road. The tall handsome guy had caught his eye first but there was a flash of recognition at the redhead with him. She wasn’t a friend of the twins. He didn’t think he’d met her before. Then how did he know her? Shit - that was it! Her face had graced a file in a recent coven update sent to their house. And here she was with another militant looking guy, both with smug looks plastered on their face. He had to let his cousins know. Unable to communicate telepathically like them, and not wanting to commit it to technology, he knew he had to return to the way he came. For fucks sake.All he wanted to do was drink and dance. Grinding his teeth he headed back toward Trance to re-group with his family and suggest they either stay there and get smashed or head home for a party of their own devices. He couldn’t believe that he’d spent his first night out in an age avoiding drunkards and now a murderous cult. Now magically insulted, the walk back was far more pleasant but he was brought slow by a puddle splashing just ahead of him with no visible instigator. His mind jumped to the only reason it had immediately at hand for such a phenomenon... [color=FFD700][b]“Rose?”[/b][/color] he ventured tentatively...