[Center][h2]HJ Twilight [/h2][/center] Thankfully, nothing had really happened yet when Grandpa and Becca burst in. I had only lost my shirt, and Ava was in a tank top and shorts. When the two walk in, I am grabbing my shirt from where it fell. One side of my face has a red handprint, and my chest has several fist sized bruises and a couple small cuts. None of them are from the battle. [Center][h2]Mandalore the Risen [/h2][/center] I glare at Zar’kun. “My people need me? My people party in the streets! This whole ‘post battle meeting’ was you people’s idea! Mandalorians don’t sit down and talk after a battle, they celebrate! They laugh, they drink, they...” I glance at HJ. “Enjoy themselves. So let’s not pretend this is about MY people. I know exactly why you’re here.”