Hello! So I'm looking for some more M/M roleplays and there are a few specific themes I'd like to try if anyone here is up for them. I'll explain more about them in a sec :) I'm looking for [b]long-term roleplays[/b], though I can't promise a reply every day or even every other day. I'll try to reply at least once a week (usually more), but I ask that you understand I'm also busy with university. I'm very much into complex plots and well thought out characters, my roleplays often have plenty of side characters and fantasy in them. As for post length, I prefer several paragraphs, but the minimum I'd like to see is about 400 words per reply - I can usually go well over 1000 words if my partner is into really long posts as well. So now that you have a little bit of an understanding of what I look for in a partner, let me tell you what themes and other fun stuff I like in my rps: - Fantasy - Romance - Angst and drama (this is perhaps one of my favourite things <.< ) - But also a decent amount of fluff to smooth out the angst - Action - Smut - Historical settings Anyway, those are a few things that I would like to include in the roleplay. Something important to note is that if there is smut involved, I only play [b]submissive/bottom characters[/b] - I don't enjoy playing dominant/top characters. This does not mean my characters are bawling maiden-in-distress types. Anyway! If you're still with me, let me pitch a few plot ideas I had. All of these can be fixed and tweaked and changed up or even combined if you find yourself interested in more than one. (MC = my character, YC = your character) [b]Plot 1:[/b] YC is a young greek god, yet to make a name for himself among their worshippers on Earth, who has angered an elder god or goddess. As punishment, he's now stuck in the body of a mortal man in ancient Greece, doomed to wander Earth with only a fraction of his past power until he finds a way to appease the elder god/dess. Years go by and the wrath of the elder god/dess is long-lived, and just as YC is beginning to lose hope he stumbles upon MC; a slave who has escaped his master and is now on the run. As a split-second decision YC decides to help him, but what he never anticipated was that MC might just be the answer to his... mortality problem. [b]Plot 2:[/b] Another plot set in ancient Greece (could also be Rome or Egypt but I'll assume we're in Greece for now), this time MC is a mercenary - not known for his brute strength, but for his stealth, quick thinking and skills as an assassin - who is often hired by wealthy, influential people to take care of someone causing them trouble. Athens and Sparta are at war with each other, but Sparta has a considerable advantage over Athens; a demigod, YC, fighting for them. MC is sent to assassinate YC, but knowing he'll never win a fight against YC or even get close enough, he decides to befriend the demigod first and catch him off guard for a swift assassination. When unexpected feelings start to blossom, though, MC is conflicted between what he is feeling and finishing the job he has started. [b]Plot 3:[/b] In the Golden Age of Piracy, YC is a pirate captain full of ambition and a longing for the good life with riches. He hears about a convoy from faraway lands, assuming the ships are filled with treasure, there for the taking. After having made an alliance with several other captains, the ambush is successful and they raid the grand ships headed to Europe - only to find a few gold trinkets and a prince, MC, who the whole convoy was for. To YC's surprise MC begs him to steal MC away on his ship and deliver him somewhere he won't be found, the prince wanting to escape his restricted life and the arranged marriage he is on his way to be forced into. Adventures await them when YC, after initial reluctance, agrees. [b]Plot 4:[/b] Renaissance-ish setting for this one, could also be medieval. A country torn by civil war has been divided for years now - there are more people who only remember war than those who remember the peace that came before. The king has ordered every able-bodied man to fight, those who refuse to go into war against the rebels are publicly hanged without trial when caught; the same fate as is met by any man siding with the rebels. And yet the rebels continue to recruit more and more men. MC is a young man living in a little town in the countryside - he has lost his brother and father to the war, his mother died of grief and his sister, eventually, of sickness and not having enough food to feed themselves with. But when the king's men came knocking on his door to see if there was anyone to recruit, they were met with a heartbroken girl who explained she had already lost her two brothers and father. MC disguised himself for years from then on, not wanting to chance being sent to fight - he knew he'd die in an instant. When a group of soldiers settles in the town when there are reports of the rebels holding camp near there, MC catches a young soldier's, YC, eye and things get more complicated when YC proves to be quite persistent. Just a few ideas, like I said. I'm also totally open for other things! Pitch me your own idea if you have a plot you want to do :) Hope to hear from you soon!