Aurel did not hesitate to nod at Faolan's request. [color=#a7d3d4]"I won't tell anyone!"[/color] He exclaimed. The boy owed Lucien and Faolan a lot.. if that was the best thing he could do for them, then he would do his very best to keep their secret. He wanted them to be able to be just as happy as they were trying to make him. Honestly it was a little sad, to have to hide in this way. This whole time, were they having to hide because he was around? He felt.. a little bad for having imposed on their space.. and yet they hadn't ever made him feel like a bother or asked him to leave... [color=#a7d3d4]"This is important to me too! I want you two to be happy."[/color] He told them, meaning every word. The hesitation Lucien had felt before had almost disappeared completely upon hearing Aurel's response. His grip on Faolan' tightened in return. He was.. happy, that he would not have to hide his relationship with Faolan from Aurel anymore. It would give them more freedom to be with each other again, to an extent. While he had missed the physical relationship they had.. being able to do simple things like holding hands or leaning against him were things Lucien had thoroughly enjoyed. This.. was just as important to him as it was to Faolan. [color=burlywood]"Thank you, Aurel.. for being so understanding. Please, if there really is anything that you want, don't be scared to ask us, no matter how minor you think it might be."[/color] He told him. Both Faolan and he had experienced lives in a cage.. but in different ways. It was one of the reasons why saving Aurel had been so important to him. He had wanted to give this child his best chance, and this was a choice he would never regret making. Lucien wanted to make sure that Aurel didn't feel like he had to hesitate before asking them for things. He knew that he typically did not ask for much, but he was unsure if that was because he didn't want to bother them, or if he really didn't want anything from them. Aurel retained his smile as Lucien responded to him, but then became thoughtful. He honestly didn't have anything that he wanted.. he was very content with everything he had.. but then he thought of Lucien and Faolan. He figured that they would never tell him that he was being a bother to them, his snakes had never overheard them complaining about it either. [color=#a7d3d4]"Can.. I have my own room..? er.. space?"[/color] He asked, unsure of how to really go about asking that. Maybe if he could get it, they'd be able to spend more time together?