As the ingot heated in the flames, Koglan stood listening and watching Siwa. He quirked his head to the side and a short smile graces his lips briefly as he watches the shock and maybe even outrage pass over the young goblins face. Like her plans had just come undone. He couldn't help but be a little proud of that fact. The powerfully muscled smith nods slowly, "Siwa. Right now, we stand at a point you will not get your way. Yes I served Biy, it is true. It's not that you aren't or are a virgin, nor that you have a lack of experience. I want to know that you have atleast explored your options." He couldn't help but boom a short laugh as he watched Brendan and Siwa banter. The young gobliness was not giving a good show of herself at the moment. He finally nods, "Well perhaps at some point in the near future you will return, having atleast attempted to find someone to start your first litter. And when you return we shall speak again." He turned, as if the conversation is forgotten. With a pair of tongs he pulls the angry red heated iron ingot from the forge. And sets it to the anvil, taking up the hammer he uses to work the heated metal he begins to work at it. He speaks with some amount of effort now while he works, "You will come back I'm sure, and we can speak again of your wish for a litter. We all know that I will not be the only one offering up his seed to that litter. But if you come back, I might be convinced to help you." He looks up at Brendan, a look on his face. It's clear, he's playing hard to get. This look is hidden a moment later as his hammer descends and slams into the metal. He motions with his hammer at Siwa and Brendan, "I have spoken on this matter." A clear dismissal on this portion of the conversation it seems.