[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/cJLLr4Fv/image.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/3N5hCKFC/image.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Vv7F6QDF/source.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Natsu][/center][hr][center][h3][color=FF1C06][b]The Hub - San Fransisco: December 24th, 2020 - 7:00 P.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][color=FF1C06][b][i]The Common Room...[/i][/b][/color] Just two hours after the party officially started, everyone was finally back at the Hub. The Common Room was a little worse for wear, thanks to the battle with the skrull imposter. Bottles of vodka had been smashed and the glass shards were lying on the ground, but of course Roman's corpse was certainly the most eye catching feature. He wasn't human - he wasn't a mutant, inhuman, or mutate either. He was [i]alien[/i]. [color=add3ff]"If I'm not conscious, then it's rape,"[/color] Novikova told her fiancée very seriously. Her bottle of vodka was finished and by some stroke of luck, she at least had enough sense to not throw the glass at Tinley's head out of rage. [color=d86615]"What the hell is that thing?"[/color] Raynor asked, incredibly bewildered as he stared at the alien. He hadn't seen one of those before. As the only living alien in the room (that he knew of), Raynor was a little bit annoyed that he didn't recognize the race. [color=d86615]"It's definitely not from the Nine Realms,"[/color] he then added, wanting to make sure that his importance as the alien expert of the group was underlined. Without his shirt on, he [i]definitely[/i] looked the part. He hadn't seen one of these things on Midgard in the last twenty or so years either. [color=d86615]"And where's Roman?"[/color] he then inquired, noting that the creepy agent was nowhere to be seen. The dog named Max started to growl at the skrull corpse, before yipping his little head off. On the puppy's collar was a single name: [i]Flynn[/i]. It must have been his gift from his Secret Santa. [color=add3ff]"That's Roman,"[/color] Novikova snapped, pointing wildly at the corpse. She didn't care to hear Tempest's little recap about how all of her old friends had had a fantastic time without her. She was better off without S.H.I.E.L.D. anyways! She loved working with Pym and the rest here. They even were thinking about forming their own team of sorts - the West Coast Avengers. Of course, she hadn't discussed it yet with Maria enough to mention one of the odder members on the roster... the Scarlet Witch. [color=add3ff]"We were attacked by a man who looked like Jabba the Hutt fucked a piece of broccoli - so can we get on with the presents already?"[/color] [color=f6989d]"... I'll go put, erm, Roman on ice then,"[/color] Bonnie said, feeling immensely better after Tempest healed her concussion. The ride back with Flynn had been fun, though she was blushing slightly. The scientific potential of dissecting this corpse though was incalculable and she didn't want to let this opportunity go to waste. [color=f6989d]"Raynor, would you mind?"[/color] Bonnie asked, gesturing at the corpse. The Asgardian nodded, picking up Roman carefully. Bonnie walked with him to the morgue and directed him, as Raynor slid the corpse into the freezer. It was only a few minutes before the pair returned to the room. [color=add3ff]"Come on, Santa, stop shooting a porno with Chase and hand out the presents!"[/color] Novikova whined at Raynor. Raynor sighed slightly, but he oddly didn't protest too much. Gathering the presents quickly from everyone, he distributed them to their proper honors. [color=d86615]"Merry Yule, everyone... I, uh... I want to say sorry for being a jerk earlier... It's uh... Well, in my culture, Yule is about the promise of my dad returning from the dead.... That never happened."[/color] [hider=Secret Santa Gifts] [list][*]Flynn - [url=https://i.postimg.cc/MGZXGKLG/image.png]Pitbull puppy named Max[/url] [*]Tinley - Sephora eye shadow palette, 3 lipsticks, perfume [*]Harry - Multitool (like a Leathermen) [*]Tempest - new gaming rig [*]Maria - 2 trick arrows that are holiday themed (sprays confetti & plays a tune while it is in the air) and then 2 trick arrows that would be useful in combat (1 flash bang and 1 that sprays a sleeping gas) [*]Novikova - [[url=https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcRZy72WKg9PijB9upXeIr_1FWo-SllkmaxUclt8dc8oYqKdUIGNGcBT-Z9DK7QsqdXTUdMjCF8ZhgFUq8GIaRvKLQ8VGQT7Yu2ixT6HtvWhqZYB4bJ6i1mIPg&usqp=CAE]guitar pick bracelet[/url] with the saying "Чем больше вы узнаете о мире, тем больше у него возможностей посмеяться над ним" on it in Russian, a [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41kYuEdgYaL.jpg]portable bluetooth turntable[/url], and noise cancelling headphones.] [*]Raynor - [ light up constellation maps] [ [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcQwKfsZw6YVpB8PxQmNp6dkijw8HI2kb8QiEnu6QO69_b6YDyBsRNcVUNvhs0OxGt-fD6koJe1SM6NCAOjn6qjJAgmZMAG9gf5xLWcMJ5CuJ7l9rLsr5CTCyA&usqp=CAE]artist picture of Yggdrasil[/url], a [url=https://i.etsystatic.com/19571042/r/il/88e13c/1841182775/il_794xN.1841182775_m2vy.jpg]celtic wolf bracelet[/url], and a [url=https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcSKg_CZo5SG2TE6b4zcitYf8HghPSM3r19DG1XtQ5ytLDVmD5wIsvhDiulLfjn0tUY4MTxNCBUyjvwlzTk-95V2OapcqZmv8KK4vZQRohpQLqIKzOeAoJbPMw&usqp=CAE]hoodie with viking symbols on it in brown[/url].] [*]Bonnie - a recent medical text [*]Matt - box of chocolates, bottle of wine, fuzzy socks, and 2 movie tickets [*]Niah - a forensics book [*]Sparky - [url=https://i.postimg.cc/jj50G34P/image.png]ring[/url] [*]Oliver - a 3D puzzle [*]Cass - a new tablet [*]Goose - his favorite treat and some toys, a cat treat launcher that will shoot out treats in random directions at high speeds, some cat toys, some catnip, a new cat bed, a dead rat, a new food bowl, cat toys, cat treats[/list][/hider] Novikova opened up her gift, not expecting much as she had been fired after all. Instead, as she saw the guitar pick bracelet, the turntable, and the headphones, she couldn't help but break out into a smile. This was actually an amazing present and she instantly put on the guitar pick bracelet, chuckling a little bit whenever she read the inscription. She figured that Maria must have been her Secret Santa then, it was such an amazing present - or maybe it had been Sparky? [color=add3ff]"Bae, was this you?"[/color] she asked, looking at her fiancée. As Bonnie opened up her gift and saw the medical text, she smiled as well. She loved keeping these on hand as reference in the lab. [color=f6989d]"D'aww, I love it,"[/color] she said softly. [color=f6989d]"Thank you Santa - whoever you are."[/color] Raynor hadn't opened his gift up yet, his hands twitching as he waited for Sparky to open up her own.