[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/w2QAwm5.png[/img] [hr][/center] [@Heartfillia][@LuckyBlackCat] Raymond was as calm and collected as always but deep down he was secretly excited for what was to come. He would be able to see how he ranked up against the others in his grade, he was confident and rightfully so as he worked day in and day out refining his skills. He adorned his costume with a strong sense of pride behind it, the formal wear suited him quite nicely as he usually dressed extremely casually outside of school. The boy adjusted his tie as he made his way from the locker rooms over to the area where the exercise would be held. He found a rather large crowd, luckily he found it easier to maneuver through the sea of students as he was much taller and larger then most. Even as he made his way through the crowd, Raymond took the chance to scout his potential enemies and allies and there was plenty of interesting people all around in all kind of shapes and sizes, some of which he hadn’t even seen yet. Suddenly he heard a large ruckus coming from his right and immediately found his classmates enjoying themselves per usual. He approached the group undetected just in time to catch onto the last thing Freya had said. Raymond greeted the girl with a head rub and a smile. [color=f7941d]“A Villain isn’t going to wait for you to get comfortable ya know.”[/color] He said before turning to his Rival. [color=f7941d]”Lets hope we’re on opposite teams or else this wouldn’t be fair.”[/color] the boy said stretching his arms and neck.