Quinn watched in awe as Yulen was finally able to catch the cucco, even if it was only by the leg. She then realized that they were on a ledge and Yulen could be severely hurt if the cucco kept trying to fly out of his grasp with how energetic it was. The girl quickly ran over to where Yulen was, before remembering she still had a cucco in her arms. "Oh come on!" She cried out, running back to where some people were gathering, going to another farmhand, a young boy who was a few years younger than Quinn. "Hey kid, make yourself useful and help me take care of this cucco!" She exclaimed, handing him the cucco. The boy nodded and held on tightly to the bird, watching the girl run back to where Yulen was. Once she got close enough, she jumped over Yulen and grabbed the cucco, but overestimated her leap, and ended up slipping and falling over the edge with the cucco. Quinn screamed, but stopped once she heard the cucco freak out as well. Thinking fast, she grabbed onto the cucco's legs and held it over her head. With the cucco freaking out, it was flapping its wings like crazy, which slowed down their fall dramatically. Quinn let out a sigh of relief, looking up at Yulen. "Thanks for the help Yulen!" She called out on the way down. It took a few minutes, but eventually she made it down safely with the cucco. Once they had touched the ground, Quinn growled and started scolding the cucco. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?! I'M NEVER LETTING YOU OUT!" She shouted at the cucco, who shrunk back into itself out of fear. "Once we get home, you are DEFINITELY in trouble!"