[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/vampire-revised-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200128/28d7c89238d957b0835e657f73c7fc34.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] [center][b]Location: The City - Dio's Mansion | Interactions: [@Zoey Boey][/b][/center] [hr] A thin mist wormed its way through the air, the intelligence that comprised it scanning the devastated ground below with mild interest. After a while, however, the entity noted a marked change in the environment. Where once there had been ruins and decay, there now stood a uniformly drab city of imposing monoliths that seemed to stretch on for miles, even intersecting with a desert at certain points. Taking note of this, the consciousness within the mist made sure to remember the fact that not everything here in the Crossroads made sense. Not even the ground. Moving on, weaving its way in-between said structures, the entity eventually spotted a building down below that was quite different from all the others. Unlike all the uniform monoliths rising to pierce the sky around him, however, the look of this one structure in particular was similar to that of a castle-albeit warped and twisted-made of yellowish sandstone. Swooping down towards it as the blazing sun slowly lowered itself towards the horizon, Dracula shifted back into his human form, landing a few feet away from the castles' entrance. Standing across from him, directly in front of the main entrance, was a man dressed in clothing that he could only describe as foppish. It was similar to the styles of clothing worn by those back on Earth, only more... extravagant. Excessively so. Granted, he wasn't exactly one to talk. His own long coat was centuries out of date in his world, a clear indication of his total lack of sense when it came to shifting trends in fashion. Still, he couldn't help but find the clothing worn by the man standing before him visually annoying to look at. Shaking his head slightly, doing his best not to focus on what he was wearing, Dracula approached the man as day slowly turned to dusk.