[hider=A S H | R A Z Z I] [CENTER][SUB][COLOR=FF00C1][url=https://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200127/3c6c3b10242f49f089a29fc41a03eed8.png[/img][/url] ◄ [COLOR=a8a8a8]26[/COLOR] ▎ [COLOR=a8a8a8]FEMALE[/COLOR] ▎ [COLOR=a8a8a8]5'6"[/COLOR] ►[/COLOR][/SUB][/CENTER] [CENTER][img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F24.media.tumblr.com%2Fd5dd23bff0d7a6c4f502cb5784197ac7%2Ftumblr_mk63nrzC0X1s8fq9jo1_500.gif&f=1&nofb=1[/img][/CENTER] [SUB][COLOR=FF00C1]P R O F I L E[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] Asher [COLOR=FF00C1][b][ Ash ][/b][/COLOR] Razzi; a slim figured woman of average height, hiding a toned and capable body underneath the eclectic and eccentric clothing she opts to wear. Her blonde hair is more synthetic than real these days, having damaged the majority of it with the amount of times she's dyed and bleached her locks. Instead she now sports synthetic LED fibers, thin as natural hair strands but with the ability to change colors as easily as one flips a switch. She likes the eccentricity of it all. Her eyes scan crowds as fast as she can scan lines upon lines of code with a steely blue gaze that lights up when she finds something even remotely new and interesting. Ash's personality can be described as something you would discover within a child [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] someone [i]immature[/i]. And though she is well into her twenties, Ash is nothing if not a big kid. But once she has a goal, you can bet your ass that it's gonna get done and it's gonna be done expertly so. She can't promise, however, that she won't be cracking jokes or annoying you in the comms though. So, be prepared for that, will ya!? [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200128/74f2d3a14eaf5d1ad29232c076471506.png[/img][/url][/center] To piggyback off of her eccentric style, anytime she's jacked-in everything she touches she leaves behind gradient colors of the neon kind. It's earned her the moniker [COLOR=FF00C1][b]"Electric Barbie"[/b][/COLOR] or [COLOR=FF00C1][b]"EBB"[/b][/COLOR] for short [i][ since Barbie was known to be a jack of all trades & of course, her color choices ][/i]. For someone that is believed to be a myth or an amalgamation of more than one person [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] Ash has done exceptionally well for staying out of the spotlight in the Meatspace. At least in the form of [b][i]The Decker; EBB[/i][/b]. She is no stranger to being in the center of attention, nor is she above playing distraction when times call for it. Ash is charismatic enough for the rest of them. However, when her energy levels are low [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] and it doesn't happen often [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] she becomes a very lethargic and problematic child. Only when she is presented with a new and exciting obstacle or trinket [i][ and let's not forget sleep ][/i] will she revert back to her high energetic, annoying self. Ash enjoys coming up on problems that provide challenges for her [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] though she can get discouraged and distracted, she always has time to crack a particularly difficult project [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] sometimes even going days without proper self care in order to ensure the task at hand is completed to it's fullest capacity. As far as Ash's exploits are concerned; [COLOR=FF00C1][i]there are none[/i][/COLOR]. At least nothing worth mentioning or gaining her notarization on any Corps radars. [COLOR=FF00C1][b]EBB[/b][/COLOR] on the other hand in an entirely different story. [list][sub] [COLOR=FF00C1]▸[/COLOR] EBB stole more than 90 million credit and debit card numbers from a plethora of retailers. EBB was also the mastermind behind the hacking that caused the massive records breach of Cybertek Payment Systems 7 years ago. [COLOR=FF00C1]▸[/COLOR] Jonan Fab alluded to plans to reveal the identities of several other 'hacktivists' at the Security F-Sides conference. In retaliation, EBB copied and made public thousands of private JFFab documents, including emails. The JFFab documents detailed some planned shady tactics, including launching a "dirty tricks" campaign against Wishileaks and disrupting a Salon: in-depth news, politics, business, technology & culture reporter who was assumed to be sympathetic to Wishileaks. [COLOR=FF00C1]▸[/COLOR] Hacked into Suny Pictures via SQL Injection attack and stole data that included names, passwords, e-mail and home addresses of thousands of customers. EBB's followers and self proclaiming that the attack was retaliation for Suny's legal action against fellow hacker Jorg Holtz for jailbreaking into the StationPlay 3, claimed to have compromised over one million accounts. [COLOR=FF00C1]▸[/COLOR] EBB has created [COLOR=FF00C1][i]'trackers'[/i][/COLOR] that act as feelers to examine, recon a space in cyberspace and then relay that information back to a stand alone personal serve of her own. From there she takes the information and either discards because it is useless or follows the information back to the source and uses it for personal or business like gain. [COLOR=FF00C1]▸[/COLOR] Among others ... [/sub][/list][/color] [SUB][COLOR=FF00C1]D A Y S - G O N E[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] Ash has always been fascinated with the technology that surrounded her, and when she was just 5 years old she built her first ever working rig out of spare parts that either her father would bring home or that she would round up from the neighbors in the dingy, cramped apartment building they lived in. Ash affectionately named it; [COLOR=FF00C1]Frankenstein[/COLOR] [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] and he would serve as the catalyst of all other rigs and platforms she created in the future [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] all with the same name just with a number attached to the ending. Her personal deck [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] which she's gone through 12 before this one [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] aptly named [COLOR=FF00C1]13[/COLOR]. Since her building Frankenstein 0.1, Ash has jacked-in on a daily basis [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] it only growing once she found a cause [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] namely herself. As Ash, she fights for the lil guy, the underdogs, those that ask her for her help. Whether that's to track someone down, or make someone's life a living hell after they had done the same... it's all trivial and boring and nuanced in Ash's opinion. However, at the tender age of 9 Ash's boredom got the better of her and as she was maneuvering around in CS she couldn't help but follow the tracker she'd created [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] effectively leading her to a small shop in her neck of the woods. It wasn't a big fish by any means, but it did rake in quite the amount of money [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] and from there, she worked on their system to benefit herself and her family. A the time, her old man was sick and getting sicker by the day. It was only a matter of time, but she held out and extracted the necessary funds from a number of shops and stores and people that she could with her new found talents [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] in the end however, it proved all for naught, since he passed a few months into his treatment. Since then, Ash has been on her own, sustaining herself with the stolen funds of others and the [COLOR=FF00C1][i]almost legit business[/i][/COLOR] of shaking down others for others. Due to her influx of funds, it didn't take much convincing of others for her to try and get hooked on acid and speed [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] both serving a greater purpose in her jacked-in experiences. There are times where she goes without proper self-care either due to the drugs or because she's too focused and driven on a project before her [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] however when these moments have happened in the past, it was when she was the most successful, so Ash attempts to replicate those environments as often as possible in order to be the most successful. Joining the Dead Presidents was something new and exciting [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] and to say she was never bored was an understatement. With them she embraced her calling and with no remorse and an adrenaline high when she hacks and steals and does unto other [COLOR=FF00C1]--[/COLOR] it really is amazing~ and she doesn't plan on ever going back.[/color] [SUB][COLOR=FF00C1]M O R A L S[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] ...> goes here <... [/color] [HIDER=M I S C E L L A N E O U S] [SUB][COLOR=FF00C1]M I S C E L L A N E O U S[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][center][IMG]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FRFvbGJHHF08XC%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1[/IMG][/CENTER][hr] [color=A9A9A9][INDENT][url=https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net%2Fproject_modules%2Fdisp%2F1e87bd7500929.560ac85978b69.jpg&f=1&nofb=1]Bras? What're those?[/url] [color=#FF00C1]✦[/color] Has a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a4/bf/24/a4bf24d88b1a3775fe81a51a4ab53231.jpg]banana ktulu ball python[/url] named; [b]Charon[/b] [color=#FF00C1]✦[/color] Built her first hacking rig when she was just 6 with spar parts picked over from the apartment she lived in at the time - affectionately named [b]Frankenstein[/b] [color=#FF00C1]✦[/color] Disorganized - controlled chaos she calls it [color=#FF00C1]✦[/color] Gets bored easily [color=#FF00C1]✦[/color] Undiagnosed ADHD [color=#FF00C1]✦[/color] Hums [color=#FF00C1]✦[/color] Drums her fingers / items [color=#FF00C1]✦[/color] Plays with her hair unconsciously [color=#FF00C1]✦[/color] LOVES electro swing music. [color=#FF00C1]✦[/color] Alignment: Chaotic Neutral[/INDENT][/color] [hr] [sub][color=FF00C1]FC: Chloe Norgaard Color: FF00C1 [/color][/sub] [/hider] [/hider]