[hr] [h2][color=navy] Sebastian Alexander Lee [/color] [/h2] [hr][hr] [@Raijinslayer][@Hero] Truthfully, Lee had been there waiting to grab the job for a while now, but given that despite the child was missing there was no evidence of them being in danger, so he waited to see who else would pick it up. Plus, this meant that somebody else could take the lead, meaning Lee had a lot more time to [s]sleep[/s] get ready. The disheveled man stood, rubbing at his stubble and yawning as he snatched a glass of juice that probably already belonged to somebody, and downed it, placing it down again on the closest surface before jamming his hands in his pockets and taking on his trademark hunched posture. [color=navy]"So I guess that either you or the loud one is the boss on this one? Please tell me it's you."[/color] Lee smiled as he approached the two girls. [color=navy]"Sebastian Alexander Lee, at your service... But I much prefer something stupid like Lazy or Lee, less of a mouthful." [/color] Lee did his best impression of a sarcastic bow with his hands hidden. Meanwhile, the air around him shimmered slightly, flickers of light just barely visible in the corners of one's eye like some sort of hallucination brought on by lack of sleep danced around him. [hr] [h3][color=violet] Violet Samantha Lee [/color][/h3] [hr][hr] The little girl's lights however, were much less subtle, the two little orbs danced around her head like miniature stars, twinkling just brightly enough to cause somebody to look twice, and then they were gone. She tried her best to sneak around the edges of the guild hall, hoping to take advantage of the annoyingly loud blonde man so that she could get over to her father. The lights around her head, those she cleverly dubbed Pink and Blue, they however seemed to have a different idea in mind. [color=violet]"Blue, over here!"[/color] The girl whispered, not quite as quietly as she imagined she was, the pink orb shuddering in annoyance at the pet name the child used. The Blue orb rose a bit higher, dimming as it grew farther away from the girl until it twinkled in surprise and fled downwards back to Violet at the sudden sideways glance from Lee across the room. [color=violet]"Nu uh, he saw you, not me."[/color] The little girl seemed to respond to nobody in particular as she continued forwards on her little mission.