Y'all may have noticed my absence and lack of writing! I just wanted to explain myself, though I shouldn't be forgiven because I'm the GM and this RP is my responsibility. I've been happily preoccupied with a different RP that has me inspired to write, and create. Unfortunately every time I come back to this RP, to make a new post, and reply within the IC, I feel completely unmotivated and blocked. The issue is I lost most of my interest in this RP before the IC even started. I really liked the characters I saw being created for this RP, and I was thankful anyone even chose to sign up, as I know this setting requires a certain niche. So I just wanted to thank you guys for sticking around. This is selfish of me, but I wanted to take a vote. 1. Should I close this RP, and we disband? 2. Should I turn over the GM position to one of you guys (who wants it?)? 3. Should I put the IC on hiatus until I find the inspiration to come back to this?