[hider=Sorry]Name: Celeste Masters Color: Pink Age: 16 Personality: Celeste would best be described as friendly, but not nice. Why? Well, There's no particular reason she acts this way, it's just the way she is and [i]how[/i] she wants to be. Sure, she [i]looks[/i] like your girl next door, but she really can't be bothered with most things. Her free-spirited nature prevents her from taking life too seriously, and her academics are at the bottom of her list of [i]Things that matter to Celeste[/i]. Luckily, she has great memorization and this has aided in her success thus far in pretty much all things that don't require extensive training. Despite her attitude, which may turn anyone off if they're trying to get know her, she can be a quite likable individual. If you can get past the air of superiority she sometimes has, and her unwillingness to respond to questions that she finds pointless. Really, she doesn't like small talk. Description: Celeste stands at around 5'4" with a slim, yet curvy figure with little muscle definition. She has large, dark brown eyes and an olive skin tone. Her dark brown, almost black hair falls to her waist and will almost always be let loose with soft natural waves through out. She often adds random colored streaks to her dark tresses to liven up her appearance, but they are usually subtle and only visible depending on how hard you're looking. She has 5 small tattoos, most of them easily concealed by an article of clothing. [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/n39pbt.jpg[/IMG] Background history: Celeste grew up in an average household, doing the average things you would expect of someone with a loving family. Others who weren't so lucky, might call her privileged and spoiled, but this isn't the case. Up until her most recent years, she was bullied cruelly by the same people she now calls her friends. Over what? Well, her parents would tell her it was envy, or that they were just trying to get to know her, or some other reason. Still, she does not know the reason and this has lead to her being a somewhat closed off individual. Having drinks poured on her, paper balls thrown at her, and getting into fist fights after school have molded her into the young woman she is today. When she got into her first fight in middle school, it was then that she decided to take up Tae Kwon Do and learn to defend herself. After she got decent enough at it, she beat up two boys, and one girl. It was for this very reason, that she became quite popular as she is now known for her no non-sense attitude and fearlessness. Though she is not the best, she is proficient at defending herself and still has a lot of room to grow. [/hider]