[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/630508873102655513/668933551269478431/sigi.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/630508873102655513/668932450663137313/Sieglinde.png[/img][/center] Mentions: [@VitaVitaAR] [@Caasicam] [@Derg2] [@HereComesTheSnow] Summer was so [i]warm[/i]. Not warm like a hearth, which promised great heat best enjoyed at a distance. You could choose how much heat you wanted, sit closer or further, put your feet or fingers close enough to warm the extremities. It was warm, dry, and forever spoke of home. Summer in the south was a blanket over all with a wet, heavy grip. It made her feel a little tired honestly. But she'd grown to like its caress, so unlike the frozen bite of her home. There was no fear about what the outside might do if you weren't wary, unless you were worried about getting too hot. She could go out however she wanted. So liberating the first time she experienced it. She had been so excited when someone explained that she had sought the nearby lake, dropped anything she could spare, and dove into the clear water. Sieglinde didn't get out for an hour, simply luxuriating in the cool waters and the hot sun. Absolutely [i]unthinkable[/i] if she hadn't seen it herself. Speaking of excess clothing, one of the guild's younger members was barreling her way. Such exuberance was exhausting. She had spent most of her morning walking around the city, soaking up the sun and fresh air. Much the same thing she was doing in front of the guild hall, seated on the ground and resting her back lazily on the wall. The sun wasn't [i]quite[/i] overhead, giving her just a little longer to bask in the warmth of her goddess' light before it passed its zenith and began to go back down the other way. If she [i]really[/i] wanted she could reposition herself to catch its light again then, but that would be inexcusably lazy. And the truth was that she was bored. Time enough had been spent relaxing, she wanted to work. And no doubt Cassia would have run out of money by now, she could play support. Maybe Tristram, too, if that faceless man could be [i]found[/i]. The dog-eared missile streaked towards and past her, ever further into the left of her vision until he vanished a few degrees off from her nose. A brief listen concluded that no one else was coming just yet, no risk of bumping into anyone, and she gracefully pulled herself to her feet in a single motion. She needed a stretch, just a little, to work the sluggishness back out of her muscles. She could have slept all day in the sun without fuss. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Thank you, my Goddess."[/color] Sigi murmured softly, bowing her head briefly at the sun. A small thing to anyone from Venne, perhaps. That the sun came up, that the day was beautiful. It was summer, what else could it be? But it was so wonderful. To have so long in a day with so much light, she hoped the day never came that it would not fill her with wonder. It cost her nothing to thank Reon for these blessings. But the moment passed, and Sigi lazily wiped dirt from the seat of her navy pants and grasped sun-warmed metal. Her blade enjoyed the light as much as she, old steel kissed by more light in a day than it had seen the year it was forged. The comfortable weight well in hand by its side handle she wandered inside slowly in the comet's wake. The big Hundi seemed to have made a blunder by the board, she couldn't get near yet, but she didn't mind waiting. Sigi smiled a little. The young man was the only one with a blade nearly as long as her own, that she had seen at least, but it wasn't quite so outsized on him. [i][color=darkgoldenrod]Weren't Hundi supposed to be [b]small[/b],[/color][/i] she wondered not for the first time. Nevertheless. When the little kerfuffle had been cleared up by the board she could look for work. Maybe by then Cassia would show up, Sigi mused while she withdrew a pastry and munched slowly. Especially if there was food to beg, borrow or steal a portion of.