[h2]Astrid[/h2] The bells suddenly cutting off sent a chill running up and down the valkyrie's spine. Her ears were still ringing with the sound of those bells, as her eye continued to look around as she tried to find where the sound came from. She knew she needed to answer Sumi, bu she still wasn't sure how to answer. "It... it's still that way, but I'm not sure how we can get to it. It's not like any of us have our mounts with us... well those of us that had mounts." She frowned a bit at that as she rubbed her ears a bit and then looked to Christopher. "You can take your fingers out, we should be fine." Astrid frowned a bit as she looked around the clearing, and then walked to the edge and started prodding at the air with her spear. She was hoping that she might be able to find a path, a way or something towards the leyline... but it seemed that there was truly nothing there at that point. [hr] [h2]Katalina[/h2] Katalina shook her head as the sound vanished when the blonde spoke, and she rubbed her temples a bit at that. "So... one eyed bastard?" She asked softly as she looked at Alexander and blinked a bit at that. "Dare I even ask?" She said and sighed at that. "Each world has their own version of Santa... or Saint Nicholas... some are not always kind." Kade said, his twang coming out pretty hard at that point.