Splinter paced in front of his sons at a loss for words. He had always been one to know what to say, when to say it, and to say it succinctly as possible. But tonight his normal ability to find the correct thing to say was a loss. His sons had had their first real failure. It was something he had worried about the minute Leonardo began talking about their potential ally in Karai. It smelled like a trap, but Splinter allowed his thirst to finish his master's mission blind him to the convenience. The girl was Foot, and had taken the helmet with ease. Now the return of Oroku Saki was all but guaranteed. Leonardo was beside himself. He believed he had completely failed as a leader, and that was not something Splinter could allow to continue. The eldest of his sons was too integral in getting his brothers to work as a team. "My sons, tonight we have failed," he finally started. "No. I have failed. After the loss of your sister, I kept us hidden for too long. I allowed our enemies to grab hold above. And now we are paying the price for that. But I promise you that we will win this fight against the Foot. but there is only one way that will happen. We need to stay together and strong. As a family, none will be able to stand against us." "Can we possibly do this alone, master?" Leo looked up, breaking Splinter's heart by how forlorn the young turtle looked. "We can," Splinter was resolute. "Those who stopped the Splinter and his army all those years ago numbered in the dozens. Now he has far less power, and we shall ensue it stays that way. Do not hold your heads low, my sons. This war is just beginning, and when the dust clears, we will be the ones to stand tall. I promise you that." [hr] "These pictures, Ms. O'Niel," Professor Fenwick looked over the printouts at April. "They are legitimate? No photoshop? No cheating?" "No, professor," she shook her head. "Those are the turtle creatures that the Purple Dragons were talking about the other day. They're real. I saw them with my own two eyes." Fenwick became suspicious, "And what were you doing down in that area during what, by all accounts, was a battle in gang warfare." "My...uh...Dad has a place down that way," she looked down at her own feet. "I was visiting him and heard the explosion. I grabbed my camera and ran towards it. Happened to come across them in the alley." "Very well," he nodded. "This picture and the story will go up on the front page of the school paper. Hell, you might even get coverage from one of the bigger papers in the city. Well done, Ms. O'Niel." [hr] The car pulled up in front of the sleek, futuristic looking Manhattan tower, and the man in the backseat nodded in approval. It wasn't as big as Stark's or Osborn's, and certainly not as flashy as either of them. Still, it was impressive, and the inside was said to house technology just as impressive as the other two. The man stepped out, and buttoned his suit jacket and adjusted his tie. His dark hair was cropped tight to his head, and sunglasses across his face. His pale skin fit in well with the cold that was hanging over New York. Behind him, two other agents also emerged from the car, dressed similarly. He reached the reception desk and smiled coldly, "Hello. Agent John Bishop. I believe Doctor Jordan Perry is waiting for me." "Ah, yes, Agent Bishop," the receptionist, a pretty blond thing, returned his smile with about as much sincerity as he had given her. "Welcome to TCRI. Please proceed to the top floor." The three agents were silent as the elevator shot up dozens of floors in an instant. When the door opened, a foppish man with an English accent in a lab coat greeted them with a wide smile, "Agent Bishop! Welcome to TCRI. It's good to have you here. Please, take a seat." "Doctor Perry, I assume?" Bishop asked roboticly. "Yes, yes," the man motioned towards the seats in front of his desk, one of which was filled by a black man in glasses and the same coat Perry wore. "This is my colleague, Baxter Stockman." "How do you do?" Stockman asked nervously. Bishop nodded curtly before turning back to Perry,"I'll be blunt, Doctor. We're here because of this." He slapped a newspaper clipping from the Daily Bugle down on Perry's desk featuring a picture of four, gigantic, anthropomorphic turtles. It had been such a big story that it knocked Spider-Man off the front page of the paper, a rare sight in these days. "I'm sorry, what agency are you with again?" Perry asked, puzzled by the paper. "Sentient World Observation and Response Department," Bishop responded. "You can call us SWORD." "Ah, well, I'm not sure-" "Doctor Perry, we believe that these turtles may be alien in nature," Bishop cut him off, not wanting to waste any time. "We at SWORD believe the Techno Cosmic Research Institute can help us track them down. So, the question is, can you?" Perry and Stockman exchanged glances. The leader of the research institute shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "Yes, Agent Bishop. I believe we can." [hr] "Are you crazy!?" Stockman raged after the agents had left the building. "They could bring down everything we've worked for here!" Jordan Perry held up his hand to quiet the other scientist, "Do not lecture me about the protection of our enterprise, Baxter. I have sacrificed more than you could ever imagine to get to this moment. A group of government lackies will not stop the progress we have made. Besides, the turtles themselves are not extraterrestrial." "But what made them is," Baxter shot back. "True, but once the rumors started circulating, we knew we would have to take care of them at some point," Perry explained. "Now we can give these foolish agents some toys to do it for us, while our work will continue uninterrupted." "And if they find out that we were the ones that made the turtles? Even if it was an accident?" "We will cross that bridge when we get to it," Perry waved off the worry. "What if we lure them in with the asset?" Baxter mused. "Absolutely not," Perry snapped, slamming his hands down on his desk. "I will not sacrifice the one viable test subject we have. It is out of the question." [hr] Dozens of Foot Soldiers lined the chamber at the top of the skyscraper that looked out over New York. They were splint into two even groups, lining a sort of aisle that led up to a throne, on which sat the body of Oroku Saki, still clad in his ancient armor, his head wrapped in a bandage, not unlike an Egyptian mummy. From the other side of the room, Karai and her older sister Pimiko stepped into the dim light. In Karai's hands was the Shredder helmet, and in Pimiko's were the Shredder's blades. Pimiko, almost fifteen years Karai's elder, motioned for her sister to go first. The elder and younger sister were robed in ceremonial Foot garb, each with smaller versions of Oroku Saki's bladed shin and forearm plates. Pimiko's hair was sort and spiky, as it always was. Karai's was out of her eyes thanks to the food headband across her forehead. She approached Saki's body and placed the helmet on his head, reciting the incantation as she did, "I reunite you with your helmet. May it protect you, and give you the vision to speard the Foot Clan across the known world." Karai stepped back as Pimiko stepped forward and began attaching the blades to each hand. When she was done, she continued, "I give you back your blades. May they strike down all that stand in your way. And now that the three parts of the Shuredda have been joined once more, may you rise and lead us once more." As the final syllable left her lips, the body of Oroku Saki spasmed as if a jolt of electricity shot through it. Suddenly, his hands gasped the throne he sat on, and a great cough emerged from the helmet as life returned to the master of the Foot Clan. The man stood, towering over all others in the room, and the metal of his armor caught the dim light and reflected it through the room. The Foot Clan members fell to one knee in reverence, and Karai and Pimiko each did as well with a reverent gasp, "Grandfather." Saki looked down at both of them, confused, before looking out over New York, "How long has it been?" "Over four hundred years, master," Pimiko responded quickly. "Four hundred?" the venom was palpable in Saki's words. "There is much to do?" "Yes," Karai nodded. "Then we shall waste no time. Our enemies will die a swift death, and the dominion of the Foot will reign once more." [center][h2]COMING NEXT SEASON[/h2] [h1]CITY AT WAR[/h1][/center]